How To Stop Concealer From Creasing!


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Apr 1, 2015

Kat H.

You're probably using too much. Do you put foundation on first? If you do, you probably won't need to use as much concealer. How do you apply it? Fingertip? Sponge? Brush? Try some other application options - maybe it's not what you're using but how you're using it?

Apr 1, 2015

Lisbeth L.

Make sure your undereyes are moisturized and set your concealer with powder after you apply.

Apr 1, 2015

Alyssa B.

Set it as quickly as possible because if it just sits on your face it'll crease. Also, you may want to try a different type of finish, if your skin is dry and you're using a dry concealer that could be the reason. Lastly, if you have wrinkles under your eyes the concealer could be setting into them. Good luck(:

Apr 1, 2015

Katie S.

Take a deep breathe 😂😂 Okay, maybe start out by trying a different primer. Some primers tend to be bad at eliminating creases so maybe look around for another one. If that doesn't work, maybe try a little less product. Sometimes if I pat on too much I get creases. Also, do you put on foundation before or after the concealer? If you put it on before, try putting it on after because that will give you more initial coverage so that you don't need so much product.

I hope that helps!

Apr 1, 2015

Shanae J.

Have you tried using a primer?

Apr 1, 2015

Amanda L.

No matter how hard I try my concealer always creases. And I mean ALL of them. I use eye cream, primer, loose powder, and drink water. PLEASE HELP.