Lashes have been falling out, help?


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Aug 8, 2015

J J.

Revitalash is an amazing product if you ever don't want to use extensions. I have asian eyes too and needed to find a serum that made a difference because everything else was ruining them. It does not have the harsh side effects as latisse and lasts a lot longer. Latisse was really hard on my eyes and I haven't had a single problem using revitalash and its been years now. A doctor made it for his wife who lost all of her hair during cancer treatment so it is completely safe to use. It also made my lashes thicker as well as longer with Latisse they were just long and stringy. Mine lasts 6-8 months so I am only buying it twice a year. My office sells it let me know if you're interested we are selling it 20% right now. You will love love love it!

Mar 30, 2015

Christine J.

Ah okay thanks ladies! I used to used coconut oil too! But I stop a few months ago so I guess it really does help conditioning them. I'm going to buy more now :)

Mar 30, 2015

Rita P.

I agree! plus if you stopped using your eyelash curler you'll notice a hugee diference! It really damages your lashes and makes them fall. just be patient I'm sure they'll grow a lot healthier :)

Mar 30, 2015

Shanae J.

I agree with the ladies above. Definitely try out coconut oil for eye makeup removal.

Mar 30, 2015

Tia S.

I've found that using coconut oil to remove my eye makeup has cut down on my eyelash loss dramatically. I use it to gently massage my makeup off and then wipe away the makeup and oil with a damp cotton pad.

Mar 30, 2015

Sabrina K.

Well lashes fall out I think its every 6th week or so, so at times you will find your lashes being less full! There is no way to make the grow, but I use a tiny tiny amount of coconut oil to condition my lashes at night, that way I have less fall out when I remove my mascara. Now normally oil is not something to put near the eyes but coconut oil is antibacterial, but still you have to use a very small amount!

Mar 30, 2015

Christine J.

So recently I've noticed my lashes just aren't at full anymore :( I even have a small bald spot on one of my eyes. I blame it all on my eyelash curler though, which I have stopped using. I know many say that their are no real ways to help thicken and grow lashes (besides using latisse) but I'm desperate. Has anyone tried anything that worked? I swear, my lashes were amazing 😣😭 I want to get them back.

Christine J.

Orange County, CA