Hair Skin And Nails Vitamins.


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Jun 30, 2015

Shanae J.

Do not take anything until you speak with your doctor. That's all I'm going to say.

Jun 30, 2015

Sabrina K.

Again Alisa I would like to point out the your threads about vegetarians hairgrowth and these vitamins could easily had been placed in the same threads.

Jun 30, 2015

Dilara K.

I haven't tried it but my mom has tried many different kinds I think it really depends on the brand.

Jun 30, 2015

Lexi P.

I have and yes they work I take biotin works well I take a high does and I've done my own research on it the thing is with it you have to drink a ton water a ton

Jun 30, 2015

katie s.


Jun 30, 2015

Hannah K.

Biotin, Hairfinity and other hair growth pills and vitamins

Biotin and other hair growth pills should NOT be taken unless you have a Biotin deficiency. This deficiency is diagnosed by a doctor. If you take Biotin when you don't have a deficiency, it can lead to acne, sickness, hospilitisation and even death. A member of Beautylish has had personal experience with this, when a member of her family became ill after taking Biotin. You should be eating enough Biotin-rich foods to not have a deficiency, these include almonds, walnuts, chickens eggs, milk, onions, cucumbers and carrots.
Do NOT take extra vitamins unless diagnosed by a doctor. Otherwise, it can cause another vitamin level in your body to decrease, resulting in the same problems as taking excess Biotin.

Jun 30, 2015

Alisa M.

Has anyone tried the hair skin and nail vitamins and do they actually work?? let me know about what you think about them please!