Major Outbreak and Lesson Learned!!


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Jul 1, 2015

Shelley W.

Thank you so much Tamara!! Lewis Hamilton...OMG!! I LOVE HIM. He is so blunt and doesn't hold his tongue at all. He is to race in the British Grand Prix this weekend. Well, actually defend it since he snagged it last year. I'm confident that he will. Yes, the sweat factory is unreal. Before going on the track drivers vitals are checked and I weighed myself before putting on the gear. After a day of practice runs and stripped out of the suit my leggings were super loose around my waist and I dropped about 2 pounds of water weight. So happy to have found another fan of racing. xxx

Jul 1, 2015

Tamara F.

Lewis Hamilton is my favorite F1 driver. I've been hooked to the races every weekend and follow him on social media. My engineering husband is to blame for my obsession. I'm so hopeful that he'll be champ again at such a young age. I'm sorry to hear about your face and I'm glad that your treatment is working. I sweat tons normally so racing would not be my thing. Good luck on your driving test.

Jun 28, 2015

Bonnie R.

First off, huge respect for you as a racing fan. Second, thank you for sharing this with us. I hope you heal quickly, and that you get to race everywhere you want!

Jun 27, 2015

Shelley W.

Thank you Regina. It would be a disservice of me to not share the not so great side of a product or outcome. I just like being able to help others make sound decisions. On the flip side...what might be a nightmare product for one person might do wonders for another. So I always feel that first person experience is important.

Lin...most definitely do not take salt tabs. I could've maintain my sodium levels just via diet alone. And Gatorade was also consumed in large amounts...sugar and salt. My poor skin went bonkers. But so far its clearing up. Been using Philosophy Purity Gel Cleanser, aloe vera to moisturize and soothe my skin and my spot treatment is M-61 Skincare Power Spot Blemish Lotion. I'm testing out for FormulaOne but my goal is reach rally racing. My coach wants me to be well versed on a track and transfer over to rally. I'm not expecting to get sponsors and go for it as a career...its just a very expensive hobby that I have.

Thank you Diana (which by the way I loved your post about the B12 vitamin), Rozberry, Livi, Tina.

Jun 27, 2015

Lin F.

Regina is right, Shelley's post was informative and honest and I have certainly learnt what not to do. Glad you are back to normal and good luck. What type of racing are you going to compete in. I used to do hill climbs in a mini cooper, many moons ago.

Jun 27, 2015

Regina B.

I'm so glad you are ok Shelley! Blood pressure is definitely nothing to mess around with.

I really appreciate your candor. Part of what I enjoy about reading your posts is that I know you will post honest information and experiences. I know that when handing out advice some people would never want to admit to any of their own mishaps lest they be seen as unknowledgeable or inexperienced with the subject at hand. But you have given so many good tips and then turned around and told us of your own experiences, painful or not. That is truly refreshing and so very appreciated. I just wanted to let you know that.

I hope you continue to feel better and get things back under control Shelley. Good luck on your future race exam. I'm sure you will be amazing. 😀

Jun 27, 2015

Diana T.

Wow girl that is crazy that happened to you but I hope you can take the exam soon because that just sounds awesome to do that! Best of luck to you and thanks for sharing girl!

Jun 27, 2015

Roz X.

So terribly sorry. It sounds like you have really taken a hit, but are determined. I'm glad you are okay. My best to you.

Jun 27, 2015

Livi H.

Thanks for this Shelley. I had a realization earlier with Diane's post about acne and vitamin b :/ I just didn't realize vitamins can cause acne or cysts!! So weird :/ maybe I should've just stuck to doing it the old way.. Eat some foods containing the vitamin.

Jun 27, 2015

Tina K.

Ack! Oh Shelley! The frightening part is definitely the blood pressure, but I'm sure your face hurts too. I'm so sorry. Thank you for sharing a "con" when it can be hard to do. P.S. You are super kick arse to be doing that racing anyhow!

Jun 27, 2015

Shelley W.

Thank you Lori. I'm so mad at myself. I wasn't even taking it that long but coupled with what I was eating plus popping those salt tabs...was bad. To think if I didn't experience the breakout and I continued popping them...that's the scary part. Just another reminder that we all need to watch what we consume whether it be for health reasons or strictly vanity. It's simply not worth the agony.

Jun 26, 2015

Lori C.

Oh my gosh shelly! that sounds scary! glad you're doing better.

Jun 26, 2015

Shelley W.

Thank you Cindy and Danielle. :)

Jun 26, 2015

Danielle H.

Oh my god that sounds awful! Thanks for posting this, it's a great help and glad you're ok now :)

Jun 26, 2015

Cindy R.

Well I'm glad you are ok Shelley :-)

Jun 26, 2015

Shelley W.

For almost two weeks I've been working on qualifying for my pro license for auto racing. The interior cage of the vehicle can reach temperatures in the triple digits (115 degrees is the average but can get much higher than that). And when one is wearing fire retardant gear, helmet, racing shoes, gloves it gets uncomfortable very quickly. And then take into account the outside temp. Oven cooker!

So I thought it would be smart to take salt tablets to replace the sodium lost via sweat. Keep my electrolytes in check. My husband was completely against the idea and said for me to just keep a bag of salty chips on hand in between runs and a mix of water and cranberry concentrate to stay hydrated.

I should've listened to him because he knows far more than I do. I woke one morning with perfectly clear skin. After 6 hours of practice I took my helmet off and my coach gasped like he saw a dang ghost. My forehead, chin and jawline were covered in nasty inflamed bumps. Some were tiny and some were quite large. And my face was in pain. Especially my chin. Initially he thought it was heat rash since the affected areas were red. It wasn't till I showered down and took a good look at my skin. Cystic acne of the worst kind.

Skyped with my husband who diagnosed my skin and determined that it was indeed cystic caused by my body being overloaded with sodium. Next day I went to have blood work taken and not only was my blood pressure out of this world ( I was almost hospitalized) but it also explained the serious acid reflux I was experiencing every morning as it affects the stomach lining.

To care for this nasty disaster on my face I've had to go ultra gentle and use only non-active ingredient products as I've been using a spot treatment to address the most painful areas of my face. Water and green smoothies have become my drinks of choice (the green smoothie containing natural inflammatory goodies to address the swelling and pain felt on my chin area).

I work so hard at keeping my skin clear and this setback has been such a huge disappointment. I always tell beauties here on BL to be mindful of what pills that pop for whatever ailment and here I am going against my very own advice and paying the price for it. Now I have to wait another month (till my blood pressure hits a safe level) before I can take my driving track exam for safety/insurance reasons. So let this be a lesson for anyone considering taking a pill to fix or prevent x, y or z. See your doctor, follow your doctors advice to a T. If he/or she is against you taking it...listen to them. Wish I just would've listened and snacked on some dang Lays potato chips.