I'm emotionally broken.


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May 23, 2015

Devyn S.

Drinking lots of water really helps too!

May 22, 2015

Shiphrah T.

It might help if you focus more on your outfits and hair

May 21, 2015

Claire D.

I have some tips that helped me get clear skin☺️
•eat well-fruits,veggies,
•Wash your face when you wake up
•don't wear your makeup to bed
•keep your stress levels low
•don't let anyone tell you that you aren't beautiful.You are beautiful!

May 21, 2015

R K.

I used to have a face worthy of an acne study. I tried every cream on the market. Now my face iz still not perfect but it's pretty smooth and dry ( compared to my ultra oily skin before) I still say that I'm ugly sometimes BECUZ
if I don't maintain it (putting the world of my poor face), if even ONE time I'm lazy, it all comes back.
It's like, I almost feel flawless, then one day something happens, and I skip JUST ONE 'treatment thing' I have to start from square one AGAIN!!
Hopefully one day ull wake up with 'new' skin ;)

May 21, 2015

Kathy K.


May 21, 2015

Maria K.

You can make a homemade tones of about 70% water and 30% apple cider vinegar and put it in your face with a cotton pad. It should minimize the size of the pimples and stop the redness. Also, it's natural. You can put more apple cider cinegar or less, it's better if you start with a little and put more or less as you go. I'm sorry for what you're going through but everyone goes throught that :). Don't worry! Another tip: try to see if what you're eating affects your face. Everytime I eat nutella, I get pimples :/. Good luck love, you're beautiful the way you are!!💖

May 21, 2015

Kira S.

I think at the drugstore, they have over the counter acne creams with benzoyl peroxide that are relatively cheap and work great. Also, putting Neosporin on a spot can reduce pain and swelling.
You are beautiful. I've got scars all over my body, including my face, so I know how that feels but just remember you're so beautiful :)

May 21, 2015

Delara g.

Try putting plain yoghurt on your face, twice a day for 20/30 minutes. The living organisms in yoghurt clean your skin and kill bad bacteria, it clears up the skin, adds a youthful glow and slows down the skin ageing process. I had acne and scars and I tried the method I mention above and I noticed big results in two weeks, my face had never been as clear. I hope you give it a go

May 21, 2015

Hanna M.

I've put up with acne and scars also! For the longest time, I'm still in high school. So kids can still be pretty mean. It's not easy to deal with but you cope. In hopes things get better. And which things have changed a lot for me since I was like 13 haha:) but don't worry! You aren't the only one who puts up with it. And I understand the friend thing as well my friends freak about one little bump and I'm always saying I'd be lucky to have just one. Haha!

May 21, 2015

Dereanna D.

I've had some pretty bad breakouts in my lifetime & I can tell you that having pimples & scars all over your face can take a toll on your self esteem. I'm really sorry that you feel that way. Just remember that having acne doesn't define who you are as a person. Just cause your friends have clear skin doesn't make them any better than you. It'll get better eventually, keep your head up! (:

May 21, 2015

Teagan G.

I don't have perfect clear skin either. I have acne scars and acne all over my face! It stinks, I know. But it'll get better. Believe me😇

May 21, 2015

Ceyla H.

You really don't have to read it.

I have oily skin. And lately it becomes more and more terrible, and I don't want to go out. All of my friends have perfect clear skin and when they have like one black dot they complain about how ugly they are. And I'm just there with the most terrible skin I ever had. It's mostly my forehead, but it's hidden by hair so I care less (beside I don't go to the beach now because of it, so it won't be exposed). My chin now becomes more horrible then my forehead, and about 2 mouths ago I had absolutely nothing on my chicks or chin. I don't use makeup to hide it, because I'm too light for almost any color and I know it will just get worse. I used to be confident and now I lost it near so many people. I'm trying my best - I'm going to a cosmetician and found everything she says, but the treatment I really need cannot be done until winter, and I have about half a year or more until I can even start it. I'm broken and I start to hate myself, it never happened before and I don't know what to do with myself.

I can't shake it off, anyone who have the same problem as mine understand, if you have clear skin please don't try to say it's nothing - you have no idea what it feels like.

I almost felt beautiful, but now my skin ruined it.

That's not really asking for help, I just needed to write it.