"I've learned the hard way" challenge.


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May 24, 2015

J S.

I bought a pencil for my brows, and had my friend do my brows with the pencil, found out later it was actually a kohl eyeliner pencil put back with the brow pencils in the store...let's just say my eyebrows looked veryyyy dark and very terrible that day 😂

May 24, 2015

Rissa G.

Probably just over plucking my eyebrows until they were non-existent lol, I'm going to try and find a picture.

May 24, 2015

Jaay G.

I wore brozer all over my face and was darker than the rest of me and my friend had to help me take it off lol omg it was so bad

May 24, 2015

makeup a.


May 23, 2015

Sandra R.

I started watching youtube videos when I started doing makeup and I always bought the same exact shades of concealer and foundation as the beauty gurus from youtube lol.

May 23, 2015

Evie N.

I was obsessed with concealer when I was around 10😂 I used to wear concealer as foundation😐

May 23, 2015

Julie F.

Lol so basically I learned how much easier it was to lay a transition shade first

May 23, 2015

Julie F.

I never really understood the importance of transition color! So I'd put a lid color down and then try to get a smokey eye by putting a darker color in the crease with no transition shade!

May 23, 2015

Julie F.

Putting a lid color down before transition / crease!

May 23, 2015

Ileene M.

consider now*

May 23, 2015

Ileene M.

Lol great thread! these are so embarrassing but luckily you can look back&&laugh. I didn't have makeup incidents either I was the eyeliner, mascara, blush kind of gal in high school (due to clearer skin then than now) I do remember dyeing my hair certain "ways" or colors that now I wouldn't even consider lol!

May 23, 2015

Sarah N.

This is a great thread! @liz that's hilarious. Luckily I didn't have many bad makeup incidents, my dad took me to the counters at Nordstrom when I started to get into makeup & I'd get my makeup done there and they'd teach me then he'd get me the products. He made sure if I was going to wear makeup I'd wear it right. howeverr I was a tan a holic and had really light blonde hair highlighted and was way too tan and looking back it definitely makes me cringe Idk what I was thinking

May 23, 2015

Michelle S.

Lauren, I was a cake face too!
I think I was around 13 and my acne was bad. I would use thick layers of foundation and powder that was waaay too orange. I also thought it was okay to apply more layers throughout the day lol. It was such a mess. I'll try to find a good picture of it 😂😝

May 23, 2015

Lauren W.

I used to do bright ass colours and never blended, I had horrible pencil brows and my contour was always too low and orange. I have always had a hard time matching my face but now I just buff away until I'm satisfied. I was also the walking version of cake face.

May 23, 2015

Shanae J.

Now I'm back at it, this time the semi'right way. Haha.

May 23, 2015

Shanae J.

Lol yes girl, it was crazy. Then I stayed away from makeup for awhile after that.

May 23, 2015

Shanae J.

When I was around 9 or 10, I was obsessed with blush, wore too much of it, every day. I think I just liked the application part best, I thought I was coooool. Lol. Then between 4th & 5th grade, I wore heavyyyy eye liner and slept in it. Ewww, I know.

May 23, 2015

Paola G.

When I was younger. I use to do a very dark smokey eye with a sponge applicators eyeshadows come with and it use to be my everyday look lol.

May 23, 2015

Taylor G.

And I was like 16 I should've known better!

May 23, 2015

Taylor G.

In high school I was a tanning bed maniac and I was orange and my foundation didnt match and my friends told me and I didn't listen lol. Cringe😁

May 23, 2015

Autumn K.

I did the same thing lol! Except I was older so it was really embarrassing. Everyone kept telling me how red/orange I looked lol.

May 23, 2015

Adahli M.

I remember I used baby powder on my face as a powder foundation/too look lighter when I was in 7th grade. my mom saw me and took it off(x

May 23, 2015

Sadiya R.

The first time I tried to wear make up for school I was 12 years old and I took my mom's bronzer-blush and used it as a foundation XD fortunately my mom realized when we arrived to school and cleaned it before I entered. (Btw everyone saw me when she was cleaning me :P)

May 23, 2015

Thea S.

I thought this would be a fun topic 😄
Share a story about a beauty fail (makeup, hair and so on), like you used a bad mascara and ended up with panda eyes in a wedding.
Let's learn from each other's mistakes :-D