Back and chest acne!!??


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May 23, 2015

Sarah L.

Try applying benzoyl peroxide daily on top of wear you have the acne. I'd suggest about 2,5-5%. I noticed it helped quite well with mine. Don't forget to just wipe a wet cloth on top of your chest at nights if you're not going to be showering. Tea tree oil can help dry out pimples. Salicylic Acid I feel like works more for blackheads but that's my opinion. I'd suggest exfoliating every few days. One easy recipe is just using coffee grounds and a little olive oil and if you'd like too add some honey and sugar too. It can get a bit messy. Drink a lot of water and wash up after exercising.

May 22, 2015

Roz X.

Tea Tree Oil and Salicylic Acid are key ingredients to look for.

May 22, 2015

katie s.

There are other brands that should do the same besides lush. I'm not saying that these over the counter products are going to be better necessarily, but there has to be some other brand that will work too! as for recommendations, I don't really know because I struggle with the same issues aha

May 22, 2015

Liana N.

Lush is the only brand that is gentle enough for my dry sensitive skin plus I love that it's natural and that it actually works for my face acne

May 22, 2015

Merna M.

I don't mean to be rude I'm just curious why do you only use lush products?

May 22, 2015

Claire D.

Honestly just eat healthy.

May 22, 2015

Liana N.

I have the most stubborn chest and back acne ever! What are the best lush products to clear it up?
Please don't advise agianst lush and reccomend other products because I only use Lush for my skin