Too Much Confusion


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May 7, 2015

Emily B.

Looking forward to a massage. My husband helps with our daughter so hopefully that won't change.

May 7, 2015

Joana P.

How about a Spa day!? I work in a spa and pregnant women come in for a pregnancy bath and facial :)

May 7, 2015

CPT- Lili R.

Eat girl eatttttt lmfao I say this cuz man oh man it sucks when you go into labor you can't eat nothing only ice water and thats about it I remember I went in with my first son and haddent ate almost nothing the dqy before (Thursday) and I didnt eqt nothing till saturday night 😭 it was torture lol... Take time to your self go shopping cuz once you have your child it will be much much harder to do so... Take a bath and relax cuz once you have your kid the only time you will have free is when they nap, as for massages I would suggest you seek someone that knows what therw doing cuz There's pressure points (according to the research I've made when I was pregnant ) that enduce labor so you want to be careful with that

May 7, 2015

Mariana M.

Kel are. that was funny.

May 7, 2015

Kel R.

It's been a long day lol.

May 7, 2015

Kel R.

Omg! I'm so sorry.. I totally didn't associate the whole pregnancy and alcohol thing!! I wouldn't recommend drinking while pregnant..! I'm sorry I didn't mean to say that! Maybe swap it for apple cider or juice hehehe

May 7, 2015

Shanae J.

Yes! I've heard a glass of wine while pregnant is actually healthy for you! Don't go crazy though, it is alcohol nonetheless lol.

May 7, 2015

Kel R.

Foot and neck massages are awesome. Also getting in a nice hot bath with a few candles and a glass of wine is great ;)

May 7, 2015

Shanae J.

Lol indeed! Growing up way too fast.

May 7, 2015

Jaylene J.

When I was pregnant I very much enjoyed getting my back rubbed I would fall straight to sleep it was so relaxing. sadly I don't enjoy it as much anymore. soaking my feet it hot water was pretty relaxing also.

May 7, 2015

Emily B.

Awe! Wewt for June birthdays Haha  :)

May 7, 2015

Shanae J.

He'll be three years old on June 23rd. (:

May 7, 2015

Emily B.

Haha yes!! For rubs are great!! How old is your little man now?

May 7, 2015

Shanae J.

When I was pregnant, foot massages were a life saver. If your dude will do it for you, have him do it, it's amazing. If not, I'm sure someone would do it! I had my sister do it lmao.

May 7, 2015

Emily B.

I enjoy hot baths Haha. I love the spearmint Epsom salt because it smells fantastic. My sister took me for my first mani/pedi the other day and that was a ton of fun.  :)

May 7, 2015

Justine S.

Congratulations on your baby! I don't have kids but I do like to pamper myself so I like either really long showers (the hotter better) or bubble baths and bath bombs. sometimes a haircut is great too. but what are some things you enjoy?

May 7, 2015

Emily B.

So basically, I'll be surprised if anyone even comments back on this post. It has been impossible to get replies on any here lately. I'm not going to complain too much, but it kind of stinks because I'm coming here to get advice from women I respect and admire. I value the advice and opinions on here. So I'm confused at to why this is happening. However, there seems to be more arguing on here than lately.
So on a positive note, being close to my due date, what is something you ladies like to do to pamper yourself?