How Do You Get Rid Of Blackheads?


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May 5, 2015

Kristine N.

Lemon juice and honey

May 4, 2015

Traci P.

Bri, I usually pay $40-70 (not including tip) for my facials.

May 4, 2015

Hannah K.

I think that depends a lot on where you end up going, I've had good facials for around $100 (since you should only get them once every 4-6 weeks, I don't think this is terrible) but the facialist I currently go to is wonderful despite being more expensive than that. But, it's entirely possible to find cheaper facials as long as you're looking for someone with good qualifications and you know which questions to ask.

May 4, 2015

Brianna M.

In general how Much are facials?

May 4, 2015

Hannah K.

Shoot sorry Gisell, I hadn't seen your question before I went to sleep. I live in Atlanta!

When looking for a facialist, it's important to remember a few things:

-Different states have different requirements for licensing. anywhere from 500-1500 hours, depending upon the state. Here's a link.

-When you're looking for an esthetician, you absolutely can call and ask about how many experience hours the esthetician has. (Georgia has the highest number of required hours, my esthetician tested out of that because she has been practicing for nine years)

-When you go in to see your esthetician, if they do NOT ask you about your skin, what your concerns are; if the do NOT look at your skin and talk to you about it before they start applying things, they're not very good. Any good esthetician will talk to you about your skin beforehand, have a conversation, tell you what they're going to do etc. My facialist will look at my skin, tell me what she sees, ask me about my habits (eating, sleeping, stress...) and then tell me which processes she thinks will help my skin most.

-in this instance, I firmly believe you get what you pay for. Facials are worth spending money on, in my opinion, because they really do help your skin. I'm willing to pay so much more for a good esthetician, rather than try a ton of different products and such, because the esthetician will help more in the long run.

I hope this is helpful!

May 4, 2015

Traci P.

Gisell, you could check out reviews for local places/people on to see what other locals in your area have to say. I love the facials at the Aveda here in Portland, don't know if you have one in your town but I always leave feeling like a million bucks haha.

May 4, 2015

Gisell G.

Hannah may I ask where you're from?I need a facialist but have no idea where to look for one.

May 4, 2015

Gisell G.

I love the origins charcoal mask!

May 4, 2015

Hannah K.

Anytime. Also, if it's within your means, finding a facialist will super, super help with your skin.

May 4, 2015

Brianna M.

Ok thank you so much! I definitely will try it

May 3, 2015

Hannah K.

I'd try a charcoal mask, I like the Origins version.

It's available in a mini size at Sephora, and it works like a charm. I use it in a very specific way: I apply it before a shower. I'll use this opportunity to take a long shower (exfoliate, shave my legs, all the stuff that ordinarily takes forever). In the shower, try not to get your face wet. Go through your entire routine as normal. My long shower routine goes like this:

-wash hair
-apply hair mask
-put hair in bun
-exfoliate body
-shave legs/underarms
-wash body with a loofah
-rinse out hair mask.

What you want to do when you're doing the face mask is rinse it off after you wash your body, at the same time as you wash out your hair mask. If you're not doing a hair mask, then just wash the mask off at the very end.

When you do this, make sure that you're super duper hydrating afterwards. This does wonders for my blackheads.

May 3, 2015

Brianna M.

I have large pores on my t zone and they are covered in small black heads and they drive me nuts! I have tried everything and nothing seems to actually get them out I have even tried biore nose strips and the charcoal cleanser.