Can Your Nails Be Too Short For Gel Nails?


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May 7, 2015

Roz X.

I don't do powder. Just my own nails with a gel overlay and no chip. Finally I can have long nails without a tips. whew!

May 5, 2015

Charlese C.

Yes rozberry is right about the powder gel but you may need the tips depending how short your nails are if they don't have any free edge they may not be able to sculpt them

May 5, 2015

Roz X.

Avoid tips and a powder gel. I get true gel sets and my nails stay long and don't break..nor does my color chip for weeks. You can use gel at any length. To avoid biting tips, soak your fingertips in bitter apple. It is used to keep pets from chewing and tastes They make non-toxic, baby safe varieties.

May 4, 2015

Charlese C.

No it may take a little longer for a set but as long as you have a nail so they can attach the tip your fine

May 4, 2015

Jenna L.

I have an ocd like disorder where when I get upset or stressed I will bite my nails. I was getting out of the habit but a bad day caused me to bite again. now it's very painful and no free edge of the nail is left. I now need to get a set of nails done to let it grow it or I will keep biting, but can your nails be too short for a set?