Has anyone tried HAIRFINITY?


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Mar 2, 2015

F F.

True just eat healthy fruits n veggies and take a multi vitamin if needed ☺️

Mar 2, 2015

F F.

Biotin does indeed cause acne in most cases

Mar 2, 2015

Shanae J.

Alyx is correct about the inversion method, it does nothing but make blood rush to your head, which is never good.

Mar 2, 2015

Shauna S.

I agree with the girls above. biotin pills can help with many hair and skin conditions however you should talk to a doctor before taking anything. also evening primrose oil capsules are very good for your hair and skin. once again please consult a healthcare professional before use.

Mar 1, 2015

Jenna L.

I tried them and didn't notice anything other than I had more breakouts and stomach issues. I definitely wanted a quick hair growth fix too but I really do believe that a healthy diet it key.

Mar 1, 2015

Alyx T.

The inversion method is a placebo effect. It's dangerous to put your head upside down for too long, and it has zero benefits. Yes, massaging your scalp can encourage hair growth by stimulating the scalp (but it's all up to genetics anyways) doing it upside down is just to make you think it's some miracle trick. It's doing more harm than good. Blood rushing to your head is not a good thing and it won't help with hair growth.

Mar 1, 2015

Leila R.

I've heard and seen some pictures that make the inversion method seem reliable. You could potentially get an inches worth of growth in a week. I would avoid pills, a lot of them are marketed as vitamins so their claims aren't FDA approved.

Mar 1, 2015

Robin M.

Omg don't take hairfinity it's full of biotin too much biotin equals horrid acne!! I took biotin for Neil growth once and my forget erupted with cystic acne! it was terrible!

Mar 1, 2015

Brittany C.

I have taken them myself. I stopped though because my hair is already healthy lol.

There's no miracle product or technique to make hair grow faster as hair growth is based on genetics, however there are things you can do to help promote hair growth.

-use sulphate free shampoos
-use a hair mask at least once a week
-never brush hair when wet
-use as little heat as possible
-use a heat protectant when you do use heat
-get regular trims
-make sure your ponytails/buns aren't too tight
-drink plenty of water and keep yourself healthy as well

Please do NOT take any kinds of pills, including Biotin, Hairfinity, or any other hair, skin, and nail pills, unless you consult a doctor first. Taking supplements without a deficiency can cause serious health problems.

Mar 1, 2015

Shanae J.

& genetics only.

Mar 1, 2015

Les N.

Hair growth is based off genetics

Mar 1, 2015

Shanae J.

Your hair grows at the speed it grows, nothing will speed it up. Nothing. No magic tricks, pills, vitamins or anything.

Mar 1, 2015

Gretel T.

Sarah Hawkinson did a rewiew on youtube.

Mar 1, 2015

Alyx T.

Taking hairfinity or any pills without taking a blood test to see if your deficient is incredibly dangerous. If you're on even a semi healthy diet you're most likely getting enough biotin from your food. As someone who has overdosed on biotin when I was younger, please do not just go out and take pills. Just because they're sold in stores does not mean you should take them without consulting a doctor. Taking any vitamins, especially biotin can lead to very bad side effects that defeat the point of taking them fit nice hair like hair loss, hair dryness, nail weakness, skin issues like permanent breakouts, dehydration etc, not to mention the lethal ones like kidney failure, liver failure, heart palpitations and more. Read these threads for even more reasons why you should NOT take biotin or any other pills just because someone on the Internet said it's okay. Most YT pEople are being paid to say good things about them. I've only seen videos of good things, and really, when that happens and not ONE person is reviewing anything bad, and they're resulting in paying for good reviews, you should stay away.


And especially this one http://www.beautylish.com/t/yuapvi/hairfinity-3-months-pics

Mar 1, 2015

Shelley W.

I just saw that is in the wrong section. This needs to go in Hair. Will move. When posts are made in the wrong sections it makes it hard for relevant posts to be seen.

Mar 1, 2015

Shanae J.

Also, just because something is over the counter, doesn't mean it's safe. Keep that in mind. That's why it's HIGHLY suggested that you speak with your doctor before taking on anything new. You never know the effects it'll have on your health.

Mar 1, 2015

Shelley W.

User beware. I agree with the beauties above. My health is far more important than popping a pill for hair growth. Just maintain a healthy well balanced diet focusing on the Omega 3's and using quality hair products and keeping heat use to a minimum. You can't trust everything you see on YT or Pinterest...a lot of YT's have been paid by Hairfinity to rave about these pills.

Mar 1, 2015

Shanae J.

Vicki, stop with the unnecessary comments.

Mar 1, 2015

Jay x.


Mar 1, 2015

Hannah K.

Biotin, Hairfinity and other hair growth pills and vitamins

Biotin and other hair growth pills should not be taken unless you have a Biotin deficiency. This deficiency is diagnosed by a doctor. If you take Biotin when you don't have a deficiency, it can lead to acne, sickness, hospilitisation and even death. A member of Beautylish has had personal experience with this, when a member of her family became ill after taking Biotin. You should be eating enough Biotin-rich foods to not have a deficiency, these include almonds, walnuts, chickens eggs, milk, onions, cucumbers and carrots.
Do NOT take extra vitamins unless diagnosed by a doctor. Otherwise, it can cause another vitamin level in your body to decrease, resulting in the same problems as taking excess Biotin

Mar 1, 2015

Shanae J.

Pintrest isn't very reliable for things like that. Hairfinity isn't fda approved, it doesn't work, nor will any other shampoo, pill or vitamin, there's nothing that will speed up hair growth. All you can do is care for your hair and be patient (:

Mar 1, 2015

Gabby M.

I have a friend that uses it and her hair is absolutely gorgeoous and down to her hips! I've also heard that it could be unhealthy though, I'm not sure why or anything but definitely try to research if its safe first!

Mar 1, 2015

Taylor E.


Mar 1, 2015

Taylor E.

I am interested in trying Hairfinity! Here are some results I found on pinterest: