Need help with sweaty hands!!


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Mar 3, 2015

Breeze T.

A colleague of my mom suffers from hyperhydrosis and got botox done. She stopped sweating where she got the injections but she started sweating a lot more everywhere else!

Feb 28, 2015

Bri-bri L.

My sister has it and its genetic so you can't get rid of it :(

Feb 27, 2015

Sree K.

*Injections... my keyboard is going crazy with spellings and spaces...sorry!

Feb 27, 2015

Sree K.

My friend have the same problem but the cause of it still not fully understood so your best bet would be antiperspirants and botox.
Ijections of botulinum toxin type A are used to block neural control of sweat glands. The effects can last from
3?9 months depending on the site of injections.
You can search for home remedies online but I don't know how effective they will be.

Feb 27, 2015

Rifa A.

I have been using dricolor too but I have to use it quite often now and once I stop it goes right back and it's annoying

Feb 27, 2015

Stacey H.

I have the same problem. Right now, I've been using something called Driclor, which is basically a super strong antiperspirant for your hands, and it's been helping quite a bit!

Feb 27, 2015

J S.

Oh my god I have the same problem, it's really bad I've tried medicines too but they don't work for me either :(

Feb 27, 2015

Rifa A.

Ahh damn it , it's so embarrassing thanks anyway (:

Feb 27, 2015

Ari M.

Someone mentioned meds before but I can't remember what it's called

Feb 27, 2015

Ari M.

I have it
It's called hyperhydrosis
It's genetic and you can't really get rid of it permanently
You can get Botox for a temporary long term fix but that's it really

Feb 27, 2015

Rifa A.

Hi guys.. I have a serious problem with sweaty hands 😫 I tried using perspiration reducing medicines but they're all temporary and my hands go back to the way they were before.. It's not cuz I get stressed or worry or eat unhealthy.. Just happens
Any idea or remedy how I can get rid of it permanently please?