One year after accutane :( not happy.


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Mar 5, 2015

Bekah S.

It's very much genetic. My brother, me, my older sister and my mom all went on accutane. My younger sisters all have had acne problems as well but accutane worked well for everyone else! Maybe it's because they were older but still sucks! Hahaha :( specially when I love makeup so much!

Mar 5, 2015

Kitty K.

What a bummer! Is there any particular reason for your acne?

Mar 5, 2015

Bekah S.

It's a little over a year since accutane and I'm not very happy with my skin. I started breaking out again around November and I just feel like a mess. My derma gave me epiduo and I tried it before accutane and it didn't work before and I'm seeing very little difference now. It almost feels worse. I did everything I was told to do on accutane and after. It's not as worse as it was before accutane but it's still not as good as just some regular skin it's definitely still VERY sensitive and very acne prone. My skin has always been a huge insecurity for me. I feel like it holds me back and I'm pretty bummed that if my skin isn't clearing up by my next appointment I'm going to be starting round 2 of accutane :(