Want Thicker Eyebrows


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🌸Fun Tip🌸

If your eyebrows are sparse from over plucking or waxing. Applying one of these oils every night will promote growth of thicker, shinier more healthier eyebrows:

• Sweet Almond Oil
• Extra Virgin Olive Oil
• Coconut Oil
• Castor Oil

Just to name a few. Furthermore, you will also need an eyebrow brush. Brushing and or combing eyebrows will increase blood circulation, in addition help work the oil to the root.

Mar 3, 2015

Mariana E.

Thanks for the tip, girl! I however have to confess to have really sparse eyebrows not from my lucking or waxing but from genes. 😩😩😩 I'm still going to give it a try. Just for the sake of curiosity

Mar 3, 2015

Cindy R.

I love to condition my brows with coconut oil!! it really helps if you have crazy brows. since conditioning them my brows aren't as crazy. thanks for posting :)

Mar 3, 2015

Shelley W.

My eyebrow thinning is due to menapause and only thing that will amp them up is Latisse and not the above mentioned items. Scared to take Latisse because of the side-effects...I'm just going to stick to brow pencils.

I do have to say that if one uses castor oil to mix with an essential oil because castor oil does not smell great at all by itself. Are you currently using any of the above oils on your brows Mademoiselle?

Yes, I'm using Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Shelley, and it is effective! 😄

Thank you ladies 🌸

Mar 3, 2015

Brooke B.

Shelley I was thinking about trying latisse for my brows and eyelashes I know for the eyelashes it can darken the color of your eyes but mine are already almost back what are the other side effects?

Mar 3, 2015

Shanae J.

I don't believe any oils will speed up or thicken eyebrows, as Latisse is the only thing that will do that. But oils are good for making the hair softer. (:

Mar 3, 2015

Alyx T.

Exactly what Shanae said. It doesn't help with growth at all. It just conditions them.

It may work for some, yet it might not for everyone. It has worked for me though.

Mar 3, 2015

Shanae J.

Again, probably just the placebo effect. Nothing helps with the growth except Latisse.

Mar 3, 2015

Kelly V.

Hair growth comes from with in. same principle for the head goes for the face...nothing can make hair grow or grow faster (with the exception of Latisse). if your eyebrows are thinning then the reason is probably due to hormonal or medical. while olive oil, coconut oil and other oils are a good conditioner and will help to keep the hair not brittle, they will do nothing for hair growth.
this is something that I call a pinterest diy. most of the stuff I see on there is bogus. like Shanae said, it is most likely the placebo effect.

Mar 3, 2015

Hannah K.

Hey Shanae, I know that you feel very strongly about topics like this, but I'd like to ask that you please respect others' opinions and experiences. I know that you don't necessarily agree that it works, and that's absolutely fine, but there is no need to immediately shoot down other people's views. Please keep that in mind in the future, it's not something worth arguing over =)

Mar 3, 2015

Demetria S.

Coconut oil actually helped with the growing of my lashes (I think..lol). I wonder about the brows.. Interesting

Thanks Hannah! I really appreciate that comment 😄

Mar 3, 2015

Shelley W.

@Brooke...the Latesse can cause the hair to grow quickly and plentiful so if applying to brows you will need to stay on top of trimming. And if you stop using for extended amount of time you will lose the results from use (meaning you go back to having thin brows). Its a product that one needs to stick with indefinitely to maintain results. :(