Want Softer Hands


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Mar 11, 2015

Mademoiselle A.

DIY Hand Exfoliate

Olive Oil + Sugar = Softer Hands

- Just mix the two together in a bowl, rub on to hands until you feel you have done it enough. Then wash & apply lotion if needed!

I just tried it on my hands and they are so so soft 😋😊💞

Hope you Enjoy!

Mar 11, 2015

Ariana G.

I love my hands after a good exfoliate :)

Another good way to have soft hands is to use a hand lotion after each time you wash your hands.

Mar 11, 2015

Mademoiselle A.

Welcome Loves 🌸

Mar 11, 2015

Jenny B.

Thank you for the info so going to try this tonight since my hands are not in a good position right now

Mar 11, 2015

Cindy R.

Hey I tried the one that you had posted a while back for the lip scrub and I loved it but I did it without the roses.

Mar 11, 2015

Mademoiselle A.

That's awesome, & that's not a problem. The roses were optional.

Mar 11, 2015

Anna D.


Mar 12, 2015

F F.

Coconut oil works great too I do it sometimes Cuz it's a bit greasy but what I've tried is that if you put some on and massage your hands and the rinse it with warm water and pat dry.. It removes the grease and makes your hands supple... Also I like my Hack Black industrial strength hand healer from sephora or ulta.. Don't let the "man" product scare you lol I had a guy from ️sephora recommend it to me and that's all I've been buying since! It works great!

Mar 12, 2015

F F.

Oops Jack Black not Hack Black lol