A no-makeup question.


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Feb 2, 2015

Tatyana P.

Eh, not really. I work in the industry so I need to wear makeup for work. I remember once I ran in the door really late because I was dealing with some personal stuff and had zero time to do my face. Clients kind if took me less seriously I think but other then that I don't really notice a difference honestly.

Jan 31, 2015

Isabella K.

Let me put it in a different perspective.
I rarely wear makeup to school so when I do people usually comment on it and tend to look at me with a different... look, I guess haha.

Jan 30, 2015

Kyla K.

I wear makeup everyday to school, one day I stopped and guys stopped talking to me and people seemed more distant (I hate my school) it's hard for me not to wear makeup now because people treat me differently

Jan 30, 2015

Raylene I.

I have actually noticed the opposite😁 when I went to town without makeup and my hair a mess, seriously just about every guy in town checked me out, there were whistles horn honks, and a Guy just about hit a bunch of carts with his car... When I wear makeup... No one notices me... It's bizzare...

Jan 30, 2015

Rissa G.

It was probably just you. I feel that way 90% of the time because I have social anxiety, so I wouldn't know the difference. Lol. I know people don't usually care, but you act different when you're feeling off or self conscious, and it shows. People can read your body language. Although often people don't really give a crap and it's just in your head, like me. Lol.

Jan 30, 2015

Jenni L.

I have no problem going without makeup- not often because I love makeup- lol. But when I go au naturel, people tell me I look tired! I think it could be because THEY are used to seeing me in full makeup ;)

Jan 30, 2015

Heidi M.

I think people treat people differently when they don't wear makeup and when they don't put effort into their overall appearance.

I read a study once where they polled different mall employees and over 90% admitted that they treat people a lot better when they put effort into their appearance.

I have noticed for myself too, that I am treated better when I have my makeup on and a cute outfit vs if I went out in my sweats with no makeup on. 

Jan 30, 2015

Mallory L.

The first time I went to work without makeup I noticed a slight difference in people's response to me, but I also realized that could be because I felt a bit more self-conscious so that lack of confidence probably showed. Now I wear bare minimum makeup or no makeup at all if I want to with complete confidence and it's like I'm wearing a full face.

Jan 30, 2015

Alura J.

Hmmm, when I go without makeup sometimes my friends would ask if I was feeling a little under the weather. I'm very fair, so my veins under my eyes (blue colored) can be seen and kinda darkens that whole area. I feel like they didn't avoid me but it did get annoying when everyone kept asking me if I was sick :( I wore an average amount of makeup on most days ( subtle eye makeup, mascara, concealer, blush, chap stick).

Now there was this one girl who wore a full face of makeup, Like the wholeeee works, and I remember her coming to school one day with none on. She looked completely different and I saw some girls that she normally hung out with not talk to her, kinda avoided her. Personally, when she walked in the classroom that day I was more taken aback because I didn't recognize her at first. That was the only time I saw her with no makeup, one day out of the school year.

Jan 30, 2015

Lela B.

Alison G. , you might want to start your own thread to get advice, because not very many people are going to notice your question here!

Jan 30, 2015

Emily B.

Angela that's really interesting! And kinda sad to hear those results!

I don't really wear makeup. I just got into it a few months ago. If I do wear some it's only bb cream so I don't really see this issue, but I can understand what you're saying. It'd be interesting to try it a few more days and see what happens

Jan 30, 2015

Angela J.

I had a friend in hs who did a sociology experiment about this and it turned out people were not as nice to her and were less likely to help her when she needed it. I know there are many variables and her experience is hers alone but it was still upsetting to hear.

Jan 30, 2015

Alison G.

Can you give me any make up tips for 53 years old It seems as though I either am wearing too much or not enough. I can't get it right! Thank  you!

Jan 30, 2015

Monica K.

I enjoy wearing makeup. on the weekends is when I don't have a real reason to put it on and it gives my skin a break. anyway I work in sales, about 5 years ago while working at a big change store we took turns some girls wearing makeup and some not. The girls who did their makeup did better in sales and customers thought they were "more knowledgeable" it was interesting and sad.
I feel more confident wearing makeup so I'm sure that shows on the outside.

Jan 30, 2015

Ari M.

I rarely wear makeup
Only to important parties
I feel and look better without makeup so people usually react positively to me
I actually started wearing more recently and developed some self consciousness about lack of make up so I'm off it for now

People pick up body language very easily so I agree with Erica
You might've acted self conscious the whole time so people stayed away

Jan 30, 2015

Shelley W.

I have makeup free days. And people do notice and for the most part I get positive responses...compliment me about my skin or some of said they were looking forward to seeing my eye look for the day. As far as complete strangers...nope. And even if they did frown at me I wouldn't give a flying hoot and not give them a second thought. Once you hit my age you start to not care what others think. I find nothing more beautiful than a girl who allows her inner beauty to come thru since it translates to the exterior.

Jan 30, 2015

Breeze T.

Great points!
I was thinking...If you're used to wearing makeup but one day you decide not to, you may feel that you are treated differently because of the lack of makeup, when in reality how people treat you probably doesn't depend on you at all. Sometimes people treat others according to their mood.

I watched a video a while back, by Buzzfeed, about not wearing makeup for a week (they also did another video about starting to wear makeup for a week).
Found it! 

Jan 30, 2015

Erica H.

I also can see where when you're not wearing makeup and are feeling conscious about that, you may be more conscious of things that have always been that way. Like how someone acts can seem normal when you're feeling confident but when you're not, you'll notice things that never bothered you before. I don't think that really made sense but yeah haha.

Jan 30, 2015

Fer M.

Well what happens to me is that they say I look so naive and younger and with make up I look grown up and got a serious face. don't know why.

Jan 30, 2015

Kimberley T.

When I don't wear makeup out (like when I have uni at 8 and have to leave the house at 6 to get there) I get a lot of compliments about my skin. I feel way more confident going out without makeup if I have just cleaned my face. :)

Jan 30, 2015

Luke C.

I wore no make up to work last week cus my skin is so good and someone said I look like death, straight to the bronzer I went 😂😂

Jan 30, 2015

Kitty K.

Erica makes a great point! I was just sitting here thinking;
Are we really treated differently or are we just oblivious to the boost of confidence make up gives us?
Hmmm I may want to experiment that. I have never treated anyone different with or without make up, and I have seen personality changes when I do something as simple as applying mascara on someone else.

Jan 30, 2015

Alexis C.

I've only been really into makeup for about 2 years, I didn't wear it all through high school or anything. If I did then I probably wouldn't be as confident as I am while I'm makeup free (:

Jan 30, 2015

Erica K.

Have you considered that you are treated differently because you are acting different or giving off a different vibe when you are not wearing makeup?

Jan 30, 2015

CPT- Lili R.

Ehh just like you they were just acquaintance so it didn't bother me 😊