Ideas for senior picture outfits?


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Aug 4, 2015

Lexi C.

Thank yalll :) that helped!!

Aug 1, 2015

Carmen V.

That's what I'm doing too ^ picking outfits that are me not trends lol

Aug 1, 2015

T K.

How many outfits do you need? If multiple, I recommend a dress, a nice blouse and jeans, and an outfit that screams you! The reason I recommend these three is that senior pictures are something that you will look at for years to come, and in my opinion it is better to have outfits that aren't necessarily trendy, but timeless. But senior pictures should be fun as well, which is why I suggest a fun outfit that screams you. I am getting my senior pictures done this fall as well, and this is what I will be following for my outfits :) I don't have any specific suggestions though, sorry!

And sometimes the photographer will suggest ideas. I was a photographer's assistant for a while, and they would recommend the same base outfits I mentioned :)

Aug 1, 2015

Lexi C.

I'm taking them in September but I want to start getting my outfits together!