Nails for Jacqueline! - Phantom of the Opera.


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Aug 6, 2015

Tiffany B.

Yes! OMG yes!! These are my favorite of yours so far.

Aug 6, 2015

Monica K.

T K. I am so in awe of your talent! If I could, may I request to see your take on the movie The Princess Bride??

Aug 6, 2015

T K.

Thank you ladies soo much!! And I love that movie as well Monica! I will add it to my list of designs to do!!

Aug 7, 2015

Monica K.

Awesome T K. thanks!!

Aug 7, 2015

Emily W.

LOVE. You did amazingly well, I think Erik would be flattered. ;)

Jacqueline, totally digging your collection. I'm a huge Phantom fan too.

Aug 7, 2015

Emily W.

Jamie: It takes tooooooooooooons of practice. I think it took about three years before I could really get up there comfortably. Now, I am able to sing any of the characters (even male, except for the lowest notes).

I've got a large vocal range, belt and some opera training. But no theatre experience, plus I'm disabled. So I just sing in the car during commutes (which are frequent). :)

Aug 7, 2015

T K.

Thank you so much Emily :) <3.

Aug 8, 2015

Jamie D.

Emily - I've been taking lessons since I hit puberty and could actually start learning how to use my voice without killing it! I mostly sing art songs but I sang an aria for my recital this year. Hopefully I'll be able to hit the E someday! It's amazing that you can...and I sing in the car too. And in the shower. Or when nobody's home...pretty much all the time actually...oops :)