Acrylic Nail Removal


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Aug 5, 2015

Isabel S.

Will do! thank you so much!

Aug 5, 2015

Jillian S.

You can leave the foil on longer than 15 minutes depending on the thickness of your nail. But I would try 15 minutes first then if they're not as dissolved as you'd like just put the foil back on for another 5 or so minutes

Aug 5, 2015

Jillian S.

I take a cotton ball and soak it in acetone, place it on the nail, (trying to avoid the skin if possible) then wrap the finger with foil. Leave on for 15 minutes, if the entire nail doesn't come off easily after removing the foil, I take a piece of dental floss and gently run it under the nail to dislodge it from the nail bed.
Afterwards it is CRUCIAL to apply cuticle oil, and I normally moisturise my hands really well afterwards

Aug 5, 2015

Isabel S.

What is the best way to remove acrylic nails at home? I have acetone, but I know that's harmful to skin. I've also seen a post where she takes dental floss and puts in under the nail? thanks in advance!