Can you help with suggestion?


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Jul 29, 2015

Hannah K.

It is online only, unless you're in the UK, then they can be brought in John Lewis. In British pounds, the cleanser is 18 ($24 ish) and the toner is 14 ($20 ish)

Jul 28, 2015

Livi H.

You're welcome!

Jul 28, 2015

Savannah G.

Thanks Livi!! I'm going to look into them. My breakouts are clearing but there are tiny marks from when I'm impatient and pick at them. I don't think I have a Fred Meyer in AZ so I'm going to see if I can get them online.

Jul 28, 2015

Livi H.

Hey savannah! I have dark spots on the sides of my eyes as well as blemishes from acne. I have a problem with healing properly as in it takes SUPER long. All these products together have really helped my skin with healing and evening skin tone. I hope when you try these products it will also help you out. They have tons of products suited for your skin so I hope you find one that works for you!

Jul 28, 2015

Savannah G.

Hannah how much does she sell them for? Is it online only?

Jul 28, 2015

Hannah K.

I love these products and have been using them for years, I adore them!

Cleanser - Liz Earle cleanse and polish is my absolute holy grail. It is a cream cleanser with tiny undetectable exfoliating beads. You also use the provided muslin cloths and water to wash it off. It keeps my skin so clean and really clear. I've used it since I was 12 and I'm now 17! It can be brought off or

Toner - Liz Earle instant boost skin tonic is such a lovely toner. It smells so fresh and has evened my skin out. It doesn't make my skin feel tight or overproduce oil. Works great to refreshen makeup too. Again, can be brought from or

Liz Earle uses tons of naturally active ingredients in her skincare products and does a lot of the work herself! They never test on animals and do not contain any animal extracts. All the naturally active ingredients are high up on the ingredients list, meaning there's a large quantity of each! You also get loads of freebies when you buy her products and I really think her products are 100% worth the money!

Jul 28, 2015

Savannah G.

Thanks Livi, I'll be sure to look into it especially since it's all natural. My price range is pretty flexible. I spend about $90 on just 3 facial products so I'm sure it wouldn't be a problem. Since using these products have you had any blemishes? Or LESS than you used to (if you did that is)

Jul 28, 2015

Livi H.

Savannah, Fred Meyer is a grocery store like Walmart. Sorry! The brand is "100% Pure"

Jul 28, 2015

Livi H.

The eye cream and the moisturizer as well as the toner might be a bit pricy? Not sure what your range is but since it's all natural it's expected. You can find them on their website look for a store near you, or if you are comfortable with Amazon you can find them there too.

Jul 28, 2015

Savannah G.

Livi, is Fred Meyer a website? Or is it a drugstore? And is the brand called Pure Mint?

Jul 28, 2015

Livi H.

For cleanser, I just use this bar soap by Nubian heritage it's the lemongrass tea tree. Cleans VERY well. For toner, I use 100% pure mint white tea then for moisturizer I use 100% pure coffee cherry cream it helps with blemishes, dark spots as well as sun spots. For my eye cream I also use the coffee cream by the same brand. All these together has helped my skin out for dehydration/discoloration. My skin is acne prone as well as combination and when I get breakouts I use Jason's tea tree oil purchased from Fred Meyer!

All these products are natural and contain no chemicals.

Jul 28, 2015

Savannah G.

Hello fellow Beautylish users! I was wondering if any of you could suggest some great skin care products? Anything from facial cleansers for sure to face masks.

I am current using Murad Facial Cleansing Foam along with the Blackhead and Pore Clearing Duo. I've been using these products for about 6 months and I love them, but now I feel like it's not working as well for me as it used to. My skin is pretty normal, not necessarily dry not oily, but I do tend to break out every now and then in my t-zone area.

I understand that not all face products work the same for everyone but I just want to try something different. I would prefer "high-end" products but if you know of any drugstore products that worked great for you I'm willing to take a look into it. Also, if you know of any organic products lines or ones with fewer harsh chemicals besides Burts, I would more than appreciate if you could drop them down below.

Thanks in advance! xoxo 😘