Please, help my brows!!


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Jul 31, 2015

Emily W.

Unfortunately nothing will make them grow faster or fuller, you just have to be patient while they fill in naturally. Dense oils can actually clog pores and hair follicles, inhibiting growth. The only topical treatments proven to increase hair production are those like Latisse (bimatoprost, a glaucoma drug that happens to grow eyelashes as a side effect) and Rogaine (minoxodil, a baldness drug that also grows facial hair if applied on skin). Both have side effects, and both are not worth the expense.

Leave them alone as much as you can, and hopefully they will grow back relatively quickly. The worst case scenario is permanent damage to the folloicle, caused by repetitive trauma to the skin (waxing, threading, plucking, etc.). In that instance, you might never have quite the same shape or fullness that you had before. But that typically only happens after prolonged or severe injury (e.g. years of over-plucking or an injury that damages the skin and scars into the brow ala Lion King).

Jul 30, 2015

Yaira D.

Personally, Castor Oil has helped me grow fuller eyebrows but you can't over apply. It may break you out, as it does me but if you don't mind, then castor oil is an option :3.

Jul 29, 2015

Emilia C.

Vaseline and oil helps. I used them when I made plucking mistakes.

Jul 29, 2015

Christina R.

Right lol, it's hard to trust anyone with my eyebrows. And I seen a YouTuber that does a mixture of castor oil, coconut oil and vitamin D oil and applies it to her eyebrows.

Jul 29, 2015

Lexi V.

I've heard rubbing castor oil helps them grow, but I haven't tried it!

Jul 29, 2015

Grace K.

Omg I feel your pain I always go to European wax center where they only wax obviously and they're really trustworthy. I always go to the same girl and the last time for took way too much off and they're bad. It sucks, who can we trust??!!

Jul 29, 2015

Emily V.

Rubbing coconut oil on my brows at night is what I do when I'm looking to grow mine out!

Jul 29, 2015

Christina R.

The other one :(

Jul 29, 2015

Christina R.

My left brow

Jul 29, 2015

Christina R.

So on Fourth of July, I decided to go to this place in front of my job to get a facial and back wax ( Eeeeew I know lol) and ended up with tears.
I told the esthetician I just wanted a clean up. I began started to worry when she started waxing higher and higher till I told her to stop. She F$&CKEd up my eyebrows!! I cried and went off on her for leaving me with almost no hairs on my eyebrows.
It's been almost a month and I'm not close to where I want my eyebrows to be.

Any suggestions to help with my eyebrow recover