Please Read -- Youtubers


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Jul 30, 2015

Hannah K.

This should be in Intros and Promotions

Jul 30, 2015

Hannah K.

Currently watching your first video (Get To Know Me) and I have a few pointers/tips/things.

1) You need to go lower down as I can't see your face. I can however see your pretty coloured top!
2) Where are you from in England? I'm from Kent :)
3. Your voice quality is actually pretty good for filming on a mac!

For the second video (haul)

1) You seem to waffle quite a bit and say stuff which has no meaning to anyone else
2) The video is also a little disorganised, I'd suggest getting the stuff out of the bags and having it next to or in front of you
3) The camera, voice and editing quality is fab! Very viewer friendly:)
4) I'm glad you rectified the face problem that you had in the first video as I can now see your face!

Jul 30, 2015

Gracie E.

Hi Everyone!

I'm a new youtuber and don't have many subscribers. It would mean so much if any of you subscribed - it is called 'gracie eastwood x'.

Thanks so much!

Comment your youtube and I'll sub you if you sub me xx

Jul 30, 2015

Gracie E.

Thank you! sorry I'm also new to beautylish x could you please subscribe uf you don't mind?

Jul 30, 2015

Hannah K.

I don't mean to be rude or disrespectful in any way by saying this, but people will subscribe to you if they want to or if they like your content. For example, I don't subscribe to PewDiePie because his content is of no interest to me, but I subscribe to Wayne Goss because his content interests me. I will by all means check out your channel, but I might not sub if your content doesn't interest me.
Adding on, wouldn't you rather have a small number of interested and active subs than loads of subs who jus? subscribe because they feel they should?

Jul 30, 2015

Hannah K.

Also, welcome to the BL family

Jul 31, 2015

Gracie E.

Thank you so much for the feedback. I'm from Yorkshire. In my first video I didn't want to show my face - so that was on purpose. But then I did, so on my next video my face was in it. thanks about the voice quality!
Sorry about that, still getting used to talking to a camera and get nervous a lot!
I understand the disorganisation - I will work on that.

thank you so much! so are you going to subscribe? x