Jergens Natural Glow Daily Moisturizer?


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Jul 5, 2015

Roz X.

Glad to help. :)

Jul 5, 2015

katie s.

Thank you Rozberry (:

Jul 5, 2015

Roz X.

I agree the Jergens line is wonderful, although the mousse was my favorite. Alma is right on, as usual about application routine and fade out. I found gradual tanners worked best for me after exfoliating and applying moisturizer on my knees, elbows, neck, hands, ankles and feet. (skinfolds) I let it soak in for about 20 minutes before I applied the gradual tanner. I am embracing my pale at the moment, but it is nice to know a natural, warm glow is within reach with Jergens. Good luck!

Jul 5, 2015

katie s.

It's alright (: I shouldn't have replied! Thank you for helping us resolve the issue. We haven't argued for a while so I think it's all over!

Jul 5, 2015

Alma M.

Anytime ;) and I'm sorry you had to deal with that unfortunate mess earlier from that other member.

Jul 5, 2015

katie s.

Thank you for telling me that now! (: Definitely need a before shot!

Jul 5, 2015

Alma M.

Share your thought's on it when you get it ok and don't forget to take a picture of yourself from before and after, that would be great to share. :)

Jul 5, 2015

katie s.

Yes! (: Really excited to try it out. The heat is just frying my skin and I actually had a bit of peeling! Not fun!

Jul 5, 2015

Alma M.

Your welcome Katelyn, 100!! Oh my I couldn't deal with that kind of heat I would die lol that kind of heat would make anyone tanning everyday look like bacon.Yes try jergens out you might like it and if not at least you gave it a go right:)

Jul 5, 2015

katie s.

I don't mind at all Shanae (:

Jul 5, 2015

katie s.

Thank you Alma (: I'm really excited to purchase it. I recently started laying in the sun and it's reaching closer to the 100°F mark and I don't want to fry my skin. Plus, it's really bad for the skin and I want to prevent my skin from wrinkling early (: Glad it worked for you! Hoping it will work for me too!

Jul 5, 2015

Shanae J.

I have this just sitting aside cause I heard it stinks and doesn't do anything. I'm following this thread if you don't mind!

Jul 5, 2015

Alma M.

Hi Katelyn, I really like it the results were instant with me and I used medium tan.I used it daily for a few weeks to fake my summer tan the last couple of summer's lol it took about a week to fade away when I stopped using it. I always buy it every summer and the smell doesn't bother me. This summer I actually got a natural tan which I'm enjoying but I will again purchase it. Hope this helps :)

Jul 5, 2015

katie s.

I made a post about this product a couple months ago, but I am going out to purchase it tomorrow and I had a few questions.. (I am purchasing the medium-tan because I have a bit of a tan right now)

1.) How long did it take you to see results?
2.) Were the results satisfying?
3.) How often do you apply it? Everyday? Every other day?
4.) Once you get the results, are you supposed to continually apply it everyday or do you stop?
5.) How long before the color wears off (once you stop applying it obviously)?

Thank you. I know people recommended other self tanners before, but I don't have a lot of money right now and I've heard really good things about this one. I know a lot of people complain about the scent, but I smelled it in stores and even put a little on my skin and I didn't find it completely awful.