Sunburns and Relief


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Jul 6, 2015

Marron G.

Cool and wet rags. That's what helps :) and is actually what you're supposed to do naturally.

Jul 5, 2015

Hannah K.

Make sure you run the burn under cold water to take the heat out of the burn. Applying product over an active burn can cause the burn to worsen and go deeper into your skin. If you can, buy more aloe but things with a cooling effect such a cucumbers or after-sun help massively

Jul 5, 2015

Justine S.

Milk will take away the burn too.

Jul 5, 2015

Emily M.

Awesome, thanks girls. I'll have to see what I have around

Jul 5, 2015

Alyx T.

It's weird, but try cucumbers. Slice them and then lay them on your skin or put s bunch in a cool bath.
I find green tea that been steeped and then frozen in Ice cubes rubbed into my skin works better for me than aloe. I burn easily and quickly (I get sunburnt in canadian winter) and I find those help lots.

Jul 5, 2015

Morgan D.

Vinegar actually takes away the burning and itching, just spray it on you skin and let it dry, don't rub it in.

Jul 5, 2015

Emily M.

Honestly, I've never had a sunburn or paid much attention to previous sunburn posts. I don't peel, usually I get red and it's gone the next day. But today I'm still red and hurting,... And my baby brother took our aloe. Any tips for relief?