Forever 21 outfit interview HELP!!


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Oct 13, 2015

Katherine A.

Hello loves!! I need help!! I have an interview tomorrow at forever 21 and I need help on outfit ideas if you girls can help if you have an idea please let me know or pictures thanx :)

Oct 13, 2015

Hannah K.

Smart! Always smart! No trainers, jeans, low-cut tops, short skirts. Here's a few ideas

Oct 13, 2015

Hannah K.

#2 also, research the company beforehand! Find out when they were started, what their target market is, if they've won any awards, any celeb or designer collaborations, products they sell across the board, how many countries they have stores in. It shows interest and it might be a question in your interview.

If in doubt, go sleek and smart

Oct 13, 2015

Katherine A.

Thank you :) 😘 hannah k.