New hair video!


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Nov 14, 2015

Mackenzey C.

Hey guys!

A new tutorial on How To achieve a simple quick & easy sleek bun + baby hair style just went live on my new YouTube Channel!

Check it out - Link is below! ♥️

Nov 14, 2015

Mackenzey C.

This sleek bun ☺️♥️

Nov 14, 2015

Sabrina K.

Hi Mackenzey please remember that self promotion (promotion of a personal youtube channel, blog, website and so on) is only allowed in the Intro and Promotion section of Beautylish - and will be deleted if posted in other categories.

I will move this post to the Intro section for you today, but please read the following forum rules:

(Forum Rules)

Please help us maintain positive conversations here by following our guidelines below. We reserve the right to remove comments and topics that don't adhere to the following. We also may remove the profile of any repeat offender. Thanks for reading and contributing!

Be Kind
Beautylish is a diverse, positive, and respectful community. It’s okay to disagree with someone, but be constructive—not rude. We have a zero-tolerance policy for negativity and harassment.

Contribute Thoughtfully
Take the time to make posts easy to understand by using proper spelling, grammar, and capitalization. Post topics in the appropriate category and refrain from making duplicate posts. Know that we don't allow self-promotion, advertisements, spam, commercial messages, or links to other websites or blogs. And be careful that you don't post someone else's work and present or claim it as your own.
We reserve the right to remove duplicate, miscategorized, and difficult-to-understand posts, or those we deem as advertisements, spam, or plagiarism.

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(Community Etiquette)

Be Kind and Open-Minded
Beautylish is a diverse and positive community that is ever-evolving. While tastes may be personal, please be respectful in your conversation and withhold judgement or criticism. We are all here to learn and grow.

Present Your Best Self
We believe being beautiful begins with putting your best foot forward in everything—attitude, appearance and presence. We hope you take that to heart and show everyone your best photos, best videos, and best reviews on Beautylish because it inspires all of us to become better.

Contribute Thoughtfully
We encourage you to contribute your opinions and reviews on products, but please try to use proper spelling, grammar and capitalization. Your two cents will be taken more seriously if you take the time to present it well.

When you submit videos and photos of your work, please categorize and label your submissions and tag the products you used. This extra effort helps others discover your work and learn from your examples.

Be Helpful and Avoid Self-Promotion
Beautylish is a community about sharing and helping others. Feel free to link or promote your work if it’s relevant in helping someone, but please don’t link or promote yourself without context. Also, please don’t post commercial messages for direct selling purposes or on behalf of a company or commercial enterprise.

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Beautylish doesn’t allow hateful or disrespectful activity. If you see something that seems inappropriate or wrong, please send us a note at