How To Cover Bruising.


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Nov 25, 2015

Hannah K.

Use witch hazel so it brings out all the bruising, it'll go away quicker too :) I used it when I dislocated my elbow and the cast came off (my arm was black and purple with bruises) and it made all the bruising come out and go away quicker :)
Tessandras suggestions are great too :)

Nov 25, 2015

Tessandra R.

You should use a color corrective concealer then a normal concealer/foundation/powder to ensure its covering. Depending on the color of the bruising, you would use a few different colors of concealers. If it's purplish-red, use a green concealer. If it's brownish - orange, use a pink or yellow corrective concealer. Some of the other ladies might know which colors go with which concealer but those are what I use and they work lovely. I've had to cover up bruises before because I'm a clutz so this is all coming from experience. My way of applying over a bruise is: Start with a decent primer (If you use one), apply the corrective concealer over the blemished area and blend it. Then apply a normal concealer over and blend. Finally apply tour foundation/powder and blend it. It may seem like a lot but it works great and it should stay through out the day :) I hope I helped some! And I hope the bruise fades quickly! Xx

Nov 25, 2015

Natalie D.

I'm currently a babysitter for two kids under the age of 5 and one is affected by auspergers (sorry if I misspelled - auspergers is a form of autism) and I have light bruising on my face because the poor girl threw a fit out of nowhere and got my face... does anybody know how to cover the bruising up?