My Skin Is Extra Dry.


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Nov 29, 2015

Diana T.

Try an alcohol free toner and at night use a heavy night cream or even a moisturizing oil like jojoba oil - it's good for acne prone skin as it doesn't clog pores but it's very moisturizing

Nov 29, 2015

Sarah N.

And moisturizer?

Nov 29, 2015

Sarah N.

What toner are you using right now?

Nov 28, 2015

Mads M.

Use a more conditioning toner like etude house moistful colligen freshener. use a a charcoal one (charcoal jelly mask might be a good thing to search up) to pull the impurities up before you use the biore strips. try and do that once a week if you can. for now I would limit the toner to your nose, try to not use toners with alcohol because it's bad for the skin, no matter how oily. make sure you use a good moisturizer twice a day in the morning and at night at the end of your skincare routine.. it's really important no matter what your skin type! the flakes might also be caused bc you need to exfoliate.. so remember to exfoliate once a week but avoid harsh scrubs, I recommend something like a sugar scrub. stay away from that apricot one.

Nov 28, 2015

Kawtar A.

Hi! I have tons of blackheads on just my nose. The only thing I did was use nose strips and they didn't help. Now I wash my face and use a toner. But ever since I started using a toner, my face has been becoming more and more dry. I use moisturizers but it dries up quickly. I've been getting patches of chapped and dry skin and my skin is usually oily. But the good thing is that my nose isn't oily anymore and the blackheads are getting smaller. Should I stop using the toner, or should I limit it to only my nose?? Thanks.