Subclinical Acne On My Forehead.


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Dec 1, 2015

Roz X.

Thank you, Bonnie. I've used the 1 but never the 2.

Dec 1, 2015

Bonnie R.

Rozberry, I used the 2%. My skin is super oily, and not very sensitive.

Nov 30, 2015

Luke C.

Remove make up properly, oil free make up and moisturiser, topical exfoliator like salicylic acid.

Nov 30, 2015

Roz X.

Bonnie, did you prefer the 1% or the 2%?

Nov 30, 2015

Bonnie R.

I've used the Paula's Choice and I highly recommend it. It works over time and helps quite a bit.

Nov 29, 2015

Roz X.

(I'd suggest asking Sarah H. as she is a Pro Estie and always has excellent advice.) Our mods Shelley and Kitty also possess extensive skin care knowledge and are incredibly helpful.

Nov 29, 2015

Roz X.

Have you tried a BHA lotion?
I had this issue last year and when I went for a facial, my Estie recommended Olay Pro-x Nightly Micropeel, which is the bomb as it is anti-aging and made my skin insanely smooth using little product. It utilizes Glycolic acid as an exfoliating agent...which is an AHA. I countered dryness with facial oils and CeraVe.

Not everyone can use AHA and find BHA (Salicylic acid) to be better suited for their skin. BHA's are commonly used to treat subclinical acne. Of them, Paula's Choice is a win. It comes in both 1 and 2%, but if you go that route, I'd begin with 1%.

Peel pads are another option.
This contains a lower dose of Glycolic acid. Reviews can be found below. I think Dr. Gross makes a variety of excellent peel pads, but these would be my choice if you go that route.

Often, subclinical acne can be traced to your skincare regimen with regard to properly exfoliating and washing cosmetics off thoroughly. Pinning hair off if your forehead while at home or sleeping may help as hair transfers oils to skin. Hope that helps!

Nov 29, 2015

Jade S.

I have subclinical acne all over my forehead and it makes my forehead rough and disgusting looking! I don't know how to get rid of it! the rest of my face is fairly clear though.