Happy thanksgiving 🍂🍃 LOTD :)


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Oct 13, 2015

Alyx T.

Haha yeah that wind was nuts, I had to go to a 24 hour drugstore at 1am last night, and it felt like it was going to just swerve everywhere. The rain really didn't help Haha.
That's awesome, I've been meaning to pick it up when my kvd liner runs out, but last time it did she had the save the wildlife edition and I had to get it. So once this one is done, I'm definitely going to try it! I love gel liner more, but the kvd one has everything else I love it a liner. I just wish it applied like a gel liner and I could control the opacity easier. But definitely getting it in my next sephora order, which will be soon lol.

Thanks girl, seriously comfy 😉 and yes parents are just wonderful ☺️ sorry about your loss but I'm glad you have a great support system!

Oct 13, 2015

J L.

Really pretty! (: Your outfit is super cute and comfy looking.
I'm very thankful for my mom (and the rest of my family of course but especially my mom right now). We recently lost a close friend, she was a great mom of 3. I'm just so thankful for having both my parents in my life.

I know we planned to go to the cornmaze yesterday or today but the weather has been insane :( I swear my car almost got blown away yesterday while I was on the henday hahaha! And thanks girl! I JUST re toned it so it's slightly too dark of a grey for my liking but it'll fade 😜😜 I'm incredibly impressed by the Tarte liner, I got it a while ago because I kept seeing les talk about it and everything she said is correct! It's super black and acts like a gel liner without drying which is awesome. The staying power is what REALLY got me though, I've fallen asleep before and woken up with perfect wings hahaha.

Oct 12, 2015

Alyx T.

You look so cute and cozy! Perfect outfit for the crappy weather we've had this weekend!

I love your hair. It's a really beautiful color.

I had my thanksgiving dinner last night, and it was a lot of fun even though we're doing it officially next weekend when my cousins are here from sk. :) I'm very thankful for my family as well. My cousin just had a baby in June and she's very beautiful and I'm very grateful that she's healthy.

How do you like the tarte liner? I've heard mixed reviews about it and it's either a HG or a hated product lol.

Thanks girl ❤️❤️

Oct 12, 2015

Tessandra R.

You look beautiful! As always! :)

Comfiest outfit ever :)


Happy thanksgiving beauties, we are having a family dinner and game night tonight so here's my LOTD! My outfit is a grey t-shirt dress that I got a size larger, some burgundy tights from American apparel and an old black scarf which I don't remember where I got! As for makeup: •Benefit porefessional primer •bare minerals serum foundation •MUFE HD powder •Anastasia cream contour kit •beauty extension powder contour/highlight pots •for the eyes I used all MUG shadows because I realized I was neglecting them haha! I used the colours rapunzel, frappe, corrupt and bitten •tarte clay paint liner (with the brush) •ABH brow pomade in dark brown and a bit of ebony Sorry for the crappy picture, my iPhones too old to take anything remotely clear 😒😒 Also as an add on, what are you thankful for in your life right now? Even if it's not thanks giving where you live it's never bad to reflect :) I'm thankful for my family more than anything this year, I've been through a lot but it's so much easier with their never ending support!