Peeling On Bottom Of Feet.


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Oct 3, 2015

Madame G.


Oct 3, 2015

Roz X.

I agree with Isabella, you could just be really dry, but if you have peeling or flaking it could also be the start of athlete's foot...even if itching hasn't begun. There' Lotrimin Cream and Spray available over the counter. I'd wash my socks separately in hot water and any towel used to dry my feet. Be sure to dry between the toes and let them air out enough. Sometimes another family member can pass it on, but no worries. Be sure to wash hands thoroughly after touching your feet to avoid spreading it. I'd give the shower floor/tub a good scrub as well and step out on a clean towel, rather than a shared bathmat. If it is just you in the bath, I'd wash my bathmat as well. You just need to be diligent and you should be fine, but if it persists or becomes worse/painful, see your doc. Good luck!

Oct 3, 2015

Isabella A.

You should check if you have athletes feet. It's really easy to get but it doesn't hurt or anything

Oct 3, 2015

Madame G.

Not the heel part more under the foot dosent hurt to peel skin no smell or anything just noticed