Red bumps on my thighs after waxing.


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Oct 3, 2015

Ankita N.

Hey ladies!
I have a sensitive skin type and I often wax my legs by myself and after sometime I get red bumps on my thighs which don't disappear soon.
What can I do to prevent these and if there's no prevention what can I do to help them vanish?
Please help me

Oct 3, 2015

Delara g.

I get them too and it's because we have sensitive skin, I don't do anything except wait till it goes away by its self but maybe a cold press can help?

Oct 3, 2015

Sarah N.

What wax are you using?

Oct 3, 2015

Sarah N.

Bumps are common after waxing on some people, but they should clear up shortly afterwards. I would suggest trying a new wax if this is constantly an issue with you.

Oct 5, 2015

Jessica D.

I've been waxing since I was a teenager, and for the past 5 years or so, doing it on my own at home.

I used to use Sally Hensen brand wax, but it really started to irritate my skin (I also have sensitive skin). I switched up to Nads, which is pretty natural. It's a sugar wax, probably similar to homemade. It comes off with just water, and you'll recognize almost, if not everything in the ingredients list. It also comes with an awesome conditioning after-lotion (mostly cocoa butter), just massage that stuff in for a minute directly after you clean up. (Really, any brand of wax you get should come with an after-balm/oil, and you should always use that after clean up.)

Try using Nads if you don't already, it's the best in my opinion :)

Sometimes, I still get red bumps, but they usually go away by the next day. But if you need them gone sooner than that, I've found that a cold damp washrag to the area helps inflammation.

Another method I found online that I love: douse a cotton ball in Witch Hazel, apply to the affected area (with the hair grain), let it air dry. When it's dry, use aloe vera gel on top of it (the stuff for sunburns; I like the blue, the cooling helps my skin feel better, but either would work). Also let that air dry. Sometimes I do two or three rounds of it. (You can wash off in a few hours if there's a residue, just use cool water and really good lotion.) I haven't used it on my legs, but it works on the red bumps I get on my bikini area and cuts my red bumps down from 3-4 days to 1-2.

Sorry that's so lengthy! Just wanna help out!💚