I need a mirror.


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Aug 18, 2015

Hannah K.

Natural lighting is best! Another thing you can do is get lighting but attach plain white slightly see-through fabric to it to dim how bright the light is, or buy lights with a dimmer bulb wattage. High wattage bar lights generally aren't the best for makeup as they make the colours or pigmentation look off. Ikea do really good mirrors

Aug 16, 2015

Ivey S.

So like you do it in window light? And then it looks good in all other lighting?

Aug 16, 2015

Natalie A.

I like the ones from home goods with no lights- I usually do my makeup in natural lighting so it looks good in all lights. I also like the Revlon one for a cheaper alternative to one with lights. There are also a lot of mirrors at target- there's one that has a normal, fluorescent, and office lighting setting as well but I'm not sure of a brand

Aug 16, 2015

Ivey S.

What is the best cosmetic mirror you have that is fairly priced? Something that is bright and doesn't make me put too much makeup on. That will help me look good in fluorescent school lighting. Thanks! This is me in a bright white bar light.