Bioderma and contacts


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Sep 3, 2015

Emily W.

Contacts in before putting makeup on, and out before taking makeup off. That is the the rule to avoid damaged lenses and scratched corneas.

Lara is correct! Also when removing makeup it's not too hard to get some makeup particles in your eyes which I've most definitely done and ended up wrecking a pair of contacts haha

Aug 30, 2015

Lara R.

You should always take them out because they may get contaminated. Miscellar water has tiny drops of oil which can damage the contacts material.

Aug 30, 2015

Qwaserght T.

I don't take mine out before using Bioderma and my eyes feel fine after

Aug 30, 2015

Joanna C.

I do too but I was just wondering if I had to take them out with bioderma as well.

I don't use bioderma anymore but I used to love it and I always take my contacts out before removing my makeup!

Aug 30, 2015

Joanna C.

So I wear contacts and just got bioderma recently and I was wondering if it's safe to use it with my contacts on or should I just take them out before using it?