Thin Hair. Need New Hairstyles!


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Feb 20, 2013

Sara M.

I work at 4am 5 days a week, so I don't really like spending that much time getting ready. I set my alarm for 3:15 and leave 30 minutes later. I just want something easy but cute. Whether I have to wear it up or down doesn't matter, just need change! I love waves but my hair is thin so it doesn't hold well. Anything new is good. :) <3.

Feb 21, 2013

Rebekka U.

I am the same way! Well I don't have to wake up as early but I don't like spending much time on my hair. So I did the big chop. If you are willing to go a little shorter, at your jawline. Washing your hair and using a bit of texturizing cream for body and movement it super fast, easy, and cute.