Has Anyone Lost Weight And How?


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Feb 17, 2013

Marcelina C.

Has anyone here ever lost weight and how much? and how ;?

Feb 18, 2013

Calah L.

Yes... I lost 7% of my body fat in just a few months doing pole fitness and eating a mostly healthy diet (I do have cheat moments!). at the pole studio where I go, I see girls of all shapes, sizes, and ages. you get strong fast and lose weight faster. it may seem intimidating and can get very frustrating, but keep going and you will reap the benefits! I'm in my mid-30's and for the first time in my life I have 6-pack abs and some very feminine muscle definition in my arms, shoulders, and back. :)

Feb 22, 2013

Georgie K.

I I lost 15% when I downloaded the fitness pal app and did calorie counting. I completely suggest what Calah did with exercise and healthy eating because calorie counting was extremely addictive and I still can't break the habit :/

Feb 23, 2013

Hana A.

My sister lost like 10 pounds just by eating better. DON't do anything unhealthy because those results are temporary. Just cutt out soda & whenever you drink, drink WATER..it really does make a difference. DRINK at least 3 bottles of water also cutt out the junk food. Pick one day to treat yourself to chips or something junky food-ishh once a wk to reward yourself & of course exercise. My sis looks super cute & you can tell she lost weight from her looking at her face, it's slimmer.

Feb 24, 2013

Annie D.

I've lost weight by forcing myself to exercise at least 4 times a week for over an hour and cut junk food (potato chips/fries and soda), occasionally I'd eat choccie. :)

Feb 24, 2013

Meaghan S.

Yes I go to the gym for an hour and a half a day (6 days a week,) I ride my horse for an hour 3 days a week, an eat healthly and drink tons of water everyday it will work, just keep at it

Feb 24, 2013

Anh P.

I have lost over 10 pounds over summer by changing up some simple things! My tips is that sometimes it's not always WHAT you eat, but HOW much you eat. We can have junkfood but it all depends on your proportion and how you take it in moderation. Instead of eating until I was very "full" I ate until I was content, or just satisfied. Don't try to starve yourself, that never works. Eating healthy takes time, and you can't just do it all in one day, try changing your diet in increments as opposed to all at once. Start replacing unhealthy foods for better options. By changing your diet SLOWLY you are allowing your body to adjust to it. If you've been eating unhealthy for quite a while then start eating all of these vegetables and healthy food, your body will not be very used to it. So small changes is the key, and slowly have those small changes build up. :) Also, try to cut out processed foods if possible or foods high in sugar. Also exercising is very important! Exercise at least 3 times a week, and drink lots of water to flush out toxins and salt. Salt tends to retain a lot of water which makes you become bloated and carry extra weight called "water weight". Cut cravings by drinking lots of green tea as well (: Green tea also has natural antioxidants which can remove toxins in your cells and having your skin much healthier!

Hope I helped! :) xo Anh @ (youtube.com/stantonfashionclub)

Feb 24, 2013

Catey P.

I think you already know the best advice: eat healthier and exercise more. Of course, that's harder than "one weird trick" or a miracle pill! The best way to lose weight and KEEP it off is to make permanent lifestyle changes aimed at long term goals. Fad diets lead to yo-yo weight loss or health problems (my Nutrition professor could go on for days about how awful the no-carb diet is for your body).

Try changing your eating habits one small thing at a time. Switch to water or tea (not store-bought sweetened tea), have a crunchy vegetable as a snack, eat fruit for dessert sometimes. Drinking water consistently will help you feel less hungry and it will do wonders for all parts of your body. The best thing I've found is to make all of the hard choices at the grocery store: if you don't buy any chips or Little Debbies, then they won't be sitting in your house tempting you all the time!

Find some exercise you actually LIKE and can get into the habit of doing consistently. If you hate going to the gym, don't try to force yourself to go to the gym! Find a dodgeball league or roller derby, get some friends and play water basketball, try Zumba or dance or just run around the park with a doggie friend. Just get your heart going for at least an hour a couple times a week.

Don't get too caught up in numbers. Obsessing over the scale will only make things worse. Just work on feeling healthier and your mood will improve much faster!

And one last thing: never trust a food labeled "healthy." Most of these snacks aimed at women trying to lose weight are actually full of sugar. Get in the habit of actually reading the nutrition labels.

Mar 2, 2013

Zoe R.

In 2011, I lost over 70lbs just by doing the right things. I went to the gym, ate better foods and smaller portion sizes. I wasn't silly with it, gave myself treats now and again and also lost the weight in just under a year.
I also cut out sugar as much as I could (which I still do) read the labels on food and became more aware of what I was actually putting into my body.
A year on and I've still managed to keep the weight off! :)

Yes, during my modelling years I had to be strict and still am in a way. The best way is to run a few miles a few times a week, use the power plate in the gym for abs and toning two or three times for about 20 minutes. Do this for six weeks and the weight will melt off. during this time cut out sweets and high fat foods, but feast on oats, bran, berries, cheese, turkey, chicken, nuts prawns and salmon and avocado. All these products are super for your skin and help build muscle and burn fat.

Add cinammon to everything, it boosts your metabolism like crazy. And really increase your chilli intake as it also helps burn fat.

Jun 27, 2013

James W.

Yeah I have lost around 12 kg of weight by exercise and maintain a strict diet.

Jun 29, 2013

Carabelle R.

Hey Marcelina! I hope this helps!


xo, Carabelle

Jul 21, 2013

Kat R.

Lost 25 lbs in 6 months through a 1,000 cal diet and jogging! pretty happy with the after :)

Sep 29, 2013

Jessica S.

I lost 8kg two years ago here are my tips
drink water in the morning just after you wake up
Every hour drink a glass of water
Eat more fibre such as in foods like blueberries
Eat a snack between 3 and 4 in the afternoon to stabilize your blood sugar
Eat less salt in your diet
Don't exercise all day and eat bad
Shop the perimeter of you grocery shop, the middle has the most unhealthy foods.
Eat smaller portion meals more often it will improve your metabolism.

Workout ideas
Jumping jacks
Bicycle situps
leg lifts
wall sits
calf raises
mountain climber
leg circles
running man

My research from you tube and my experience i'm currently teaching a friend to lose weight and after two weeks she had lost two sizes and almost has a thigh gap.