Wish To Start A Beauty Blog, Help?


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Jun 20, 2014

Beautyblog B.

Follow the steps below to create your own blog : 1. Register your domain name 2. design your blog 3. host your blog First of all, You need to choose a perfect domain name for your blog. After selecting a domain name, you have to register it with any of the domain providers like http://www.xnynz.com/domains/search.aspx?ci=1775&prog_id=456858. Design your blog by using web design software and host it to any of the hosting providers in the world to make your blog public in the internet

These are some really great tips! Thanks for asking the question! haha. Loving the information from Yasmin K. I had been considering doing the beauty box review on the products. I get Birchbox, and I've been waiting to get my next one in so that I can review all the different things that come with it. I don't remember what was in my previous ones. They've all been mixed up now. I was planning on doing it as a monthly vlog on my Youtube channel, kind of like how people do their monthly favorites. Great advice for those of us starting out!

Feb 2, 2013

Lindsay M.

Thanks for all of the advice!

Feb 2, 2013

Foqiya I.

I agree with Yasmin K. Also if companies are sending you free stuff your readers might think your reviews are biased & in favor of them or the companies who are sending you stuff/ sponsering you might expect you to guve them good reviews or why else should they send you stuff?

I started a blog myself in January, you can check it out for yourself at:


I've only done 3 posts, but I've blogged about what I've already got and what I like. Why don't you start talking about your tried & tested products? Your everyday makeup routine? Etc

Just get started, have fun with it & give it time. If you really love makeup, it will show through your blogging :) and if you are genuine & honest you'll get readers!

Good luck & Best wishes,


You're going to go broke quickly trying to keep up with buying new products OR you're going to get burned out fast. I tried that route as well and it's expensive, VERY expensive. You need to find a niche. For me my niche was beauty box subscriptions - I was the first "beauty box subscription guru" (Michelle Phan called me that) but now there are many out there that talk about various beauty box and other type of subscription services.

What's NOT out there are people talking about each and every individual product in those beauty boxes. Sure people may review a whole box (I do from time to time) but there is no one that I'm aware of that reviews the individual products as individual reviews. That would probably be a good way to start because you pay anywhere from $10 (monthly) a subscription up to $50 (quarterly) and get anywhere from four to five products per box up to a half dozen including full size products (depending on the subscription service and what they send out that month).

It would be a good way to start versus trying to review the latest and greatest product that just hit the market especially when companies release products at least once quarterly.

Feb 1, 2013

Brittaknee C.

just do it :)
it great of documenting your work even when your not recognized for it. I jist started mine and I just do it for fun :)
eventually you will be recognized when yiu gain more viewers


Feb 1, 2013

Lindsay M.

Thanks for the advice!
I don't want free product just for the sake of getting free stuff; I don't make enough money to always be able to buy the newest stuff available, which readers would be most interested in. I'll certainly keep buying new products as I can, it would just be helpful to keep my blog interesting and full of variety :)

"Do you know how I could get company to send me product samples to review? " - If you're a new reviewer with little followers companies won't send you free products. You have to network or prove to them that they should work with you. I know a few beauty bloggers who are well respected by other bloggers yet have shut down because they couldn't get enough sponsors to provide them with free products. Most times you're just going to have to pay things out of your own pocket.

When you start out as a beauty blogger you're going be shelling out money for products because no one is going to give a new bloggers anything for free. You want free then compete in contests, sign up for freebies, go to Sephora and get free samples, sign up for beauty subscription services because you pay a little amount for several products per month.

Best places to network - trade shows - but getting into trade show as a member of the press requires you to have a large following and large stats. You can buy tickets to certain trade shows that are open to the public - like IMATS - but many like ISSE, CPNA and The Makeup Show are closed to the general public and you need to be a working pro WITH PROOF or have a press pass which again requires you to have a large site and following - and you have to prove it.

Honestly, you have to build the trust of your reader and of the companies you want to work with and not do it just for the free product. 

Jan 27, 2013

No one cares S.

You could even just buy one product and review in a clean way and send it to them. See if they like your presentation.

Don't do your videos like most people do. I enjoy videos with quality cameras, nice sound. Like itsjusdytime or m

Jan 27, 2013

No one cares S.

If that doesn't work. It's just the price of beauty. You might need to buy the products

Jan 27, 2013

No one cares S.

You could try to contact them directly. 

Jan 27, 2013

Lindsay M.

Thanks for the tips!! Do you know how I could get company to send me product samples to review?

Some pointers.

1. Don't do what others do. Have your own style. For example, I do reviews but I don't do reviews like Temptalia with A through F ratings or give stars or numbers. Why? Because it's all subjective. What one person likes another may not and what works for one person may not for someone else. When I do reviews it's more or less "My Thoughts" on the products.

2. HAVE FUN WITH IT! For a while I took myself way too seriously and lost having fun so I've gone back to having fun with it and feel so much better. (Goes back to do things how you want not how others do it.)

3. Don't spam your stuff everywhere. Nothing more annoying than people posting everywhere "visit my blog". Instead answer people's questions, be helpful and you'll find people following you because you know your stuff and not because you're over promoting yourself.

4. Have a well designed layout that's easy to read. I've seen some where the person used funky fonts making it hard to read.

Above all else like I mentioned above HAVE FUN!

Jan 26, 2013

Lindsay M.

I'm looking into breaking into the beauty business by way of blog. Anybody here have a successful blog who's willing to help me out?