Beauty Product Reviews


it's rare that i'll repurchase a product. i love trying new things and try not to limit myself too much to one lip gloss or one specific lipstick but i really love this. I was given it as a christmas present but have recently brought again- i love it!

I'll be honest with you, the smell isn't amazing. I'm quite fussy when it comes to smells but thankfully it isn't very detectable when on the lips. Though i guess that's just a personal opinion, it isn't THAT bad of a scent to the point where you wouldn't put it on your lips. It's a great every day gloss and isn't horrible and sticky like quite a lot of glosses i've tried. Generally stays on well and i don't find myself reapplying every bloody minuet.

(i have shade 101)

love it!

I definitely think this mascara works better after a few uses. I was very skeptical at first. It really wasn't very expensive at all, and though i know it's bad to judge a product by it's price... i was guilty of doing so.

I was pleasantly surprised by how well it not only separated my lashes but lengthened and generally gave a really lovely look. It didn't take me very long at all to achieve the look i was aiming for with this mascara. It generally works best on those with more fuller lashes.