Beauty Product Reviews | Page 2

My new bff!

This is always on my person and in my kit. While it's a bit pricey , I find it's worth it. Clean, fresh scent, light mist, long lasting. All three key points that I appreciate especially the long lasting, given that I live on an island where heat and humidity reign supreme. I tried the Ben Nye Final Seal before this and while that product has serious staying power, I don't like the scent. And it tends to burn some people. I have had no complaints whatsoever since using the Skindinavia, soo yay!

A MUST HAVE for those of you who say your eye shadow doesn't last!

I attended a MAC Technique Workshop at Hilton Barbados and one of the MUA's used this in her demo. I was sold instantly. Vandana one of the MUA's at MAC (now Manager @ Limegrove) recommended Indianwood when I wanted to get another paintpot, I love it as a browbone highlight and it works very well as an eyeliner too! One of my fave products from MAC, going to try Painterly or Soft Ochre next!

Photo: Danielle - Constructivist on her eyelid!

One of the BEST products to use as a starting point for your eyeshadow application!!

After trolling the internet for a suitable primer, I settled on this. I LOVE it. it offers great quality and excellent bang for buck. It doesn't matter if you're doing a neutral look or a bright, colourful vibrant one. THIS is the primer for your eyes!! I wouldn't recommend if you have reaaaaallly oily lids or realllly dry ones, but you never know until you try! Available at Exotica Makeup in Sheraton. (See photo below to see how great it looked after 2 hours!!)

So versatile!

I love using this eyeshadow, especially around graduation or prom season. It works especially well wet and I must admit I wasn't a lover of pigments when I started out as an mua. The colour is rich and vibrant and even if you don't like the hue, it will grow on you. There is so much product that you can try a variety of looks as well. Anything shiny for me is GREAT!!

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