Beauty Product Reviews

I bought this product after I bleached my hair blonde back in July 2010 and used it for a while after. The consistency is nice and thick and the smell is pretty good. When I first started using it, it made my hair nice and smooth and minimized any further damage. But after a few months, my hair experienced burn out from the product and began to do the opposite of what it did when I started using the stuff.

Favorite liner pencil

I just love these! I've been purchasing these since Avon first brought them out. A little sparkle kick added to your basic eye liner pencil. My favorite ones are Black Ice and Brown Sugar (or whatever the brown has been renamed to).

My newest obsession/addiction!

For months I been wanting to buy myself a glittery liquid eyeliner because I haven't owned one in years. Other then buying a concealer or a mascara, ETC when I run out, I haven't bought myself any special new makeup in ages either. One day, I was at my local Giant Eagle supermarket when I came upon the NYX cosmetics display and was awed by the Candy Glitter Liner. And was really awed by the price of only 3.99. That's pretty affordable. But I didn't buy any right away because I was running short on the money until pay day and every dollar counted. When I got paid again, it was a pretty expensive week so I had to seriously watch the money before buying the eyeliner. I managed my money pretty well and was happy when I counted and realized that I had plenty to afford a few of these eye liners and still have the money for the things I need. So, I hurried to Giant Eagle and bought some! I should say that I couldn't wait for a ride and I walked five miles to the store to get it. I picked up four of them; blue, passion, french silk, and disco ball. It took me a while before deciding on the four shades to buy! I was so excited that after paying for them, I ran into the restroom and applied the blue right then and there. That evening, my friend told me that the next day, she'd be treating me to dinner. With the fact that I didn't have to pay for my food, I ran back to Giant Eagle the next day and bought two more; Disco Queen and Jade Green. This eyeliner is awesome and I will probably be wearing it everyday until I run out. If it wasn't for the fact that I'm on a super tight budget, I'd purchase all the other shades right now. But instead, I'll collect them over time. I've noticed that the current shade selection in the store is actually a little different then what's shown on this site. Were some discontinued? I really wanted the Green to wear for St Patricks day. Though I normally am not comfortable with the idea of hot pink or red makeup on my eyes, I am totally interested in trying the shades Hot Candy and Red. My new favorite beauty product!