Kit Rich's 3 Tips for Living Life Like You Mean it 


As a little girl I used to fantasize about being a star. After putting on my sparkly ballet shoes, I'd imagine myself walking down a red carpet. I'd pretend photographers were screaming my name, clamoring to get a picture. And in front of the mirror, I'd strike my hand-to-hip pose with a sultry, look just like I saw in the magazines.

As I’ve gotten older, I’ve come to realize that my childhood desire to be in the limelight was purely symbolic. As an insecure child and teen, the red carpet was a representation of feeling worthy—if I could walk it, it was proof that I deserved to take up space in this world. It would mean that I was special, and serve as evidence that I mattered. In fact, it would mean I mattered so much the world would have to bare witness.

By Hollywood standards, I’m not a star or anywhere close to it and I’m not sure if I’ll ever be. But I’m the star of my life. I'm the main character driving the story, and I can write which direction my adventure goes. And I can do it all wearing fabulous red lipstick! The way I see it, your life—your unique story—is a box office hit and all your experiences are red-carpet worthy. Here's how to choose to become the star of your own life, and make every day a page-turner.

1: Find Your Own Theme Song!

Everyone deserves a soundtrack for their life, so you have to start with a theme song. Search for a track that inspires you, makes you feel powerful, and uplifts you. That's your theme song. Play it in your car on the way to work or on your iPod during a workout. Whenever you play it, remember that you chose it to remind yourself to be the best you. If you can’t think of one, try using mine: “Sisters Are Doin’ it For Themselves” by Aretha Franklin and Annie Lennox. I actually walked into my 30th birthday party with that song playing in the background!

2: “Take 5”

“Take 5” is the term I use for taking a little extra time every day to do something special for myself. Yes, I said every day. It doesn’t take much—just 5 minutes. You might use the time to put on a face mask, write out what you're grateful for, mediate, or get dolled up. Whatever it is, make the effort to “Take 5” daily, before your day ends.

3: Create A Storyboard

Before writers start to write, they usually create a storyboard. It’s a rough outline of what they want to accomplish with the story, and how they want it to go. The outline is always subject to change, of course, but at least it gives them some direction. It helps keep them on track. So what can you learn from this process? I encourage you to create a storyboard for your life goals. Tear pictures out of magazines or find words that inspire you and create a vision board that can help give you direction, focus, and inspiration for what you want your life to be. Make sure to include all aspects—career, love, health, family, friends, nature, etc. Take your time and be creative!

Photo: With Love Photography