Naturally Lighten Your Hair?


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Dec 4, 2012

Gymnast F.

lemon juice

Dec 4, 2012

Jessica M.

John Freda's go lighter is amazing. It dries out your hair though so use a conditioner as well

Dec 4, 2012

Hannah R.

Baking soda and hydrogen peroxide. My hair is naturally dark brown and I left it on part of my hair for about an hour and now it's blonde.

Dec 4, 2012

Courtney O.


Dec 4, 2012

Courtney O.

Try lemon juice and then staying in the sun.. It takes a coupons weeks.. Or there are special shampoos that lighten your hair :)

Dec 4, 2012

Manasi S.

my hair's black so most dyes dont show up on it, and i'd rather not put harsh chemicals on it. i've tried red kool-aid and henna dye but neither really showed up well or stayed for long. any other suggestions?