Please help.. I have an Itchy face.


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Apr 30, 2014

Aide N.

My face has been really itchy the past week or so and I have to scratch it because I can just imagine the damage it's causing but I can't help it. It itches the most along my jaw line and my neck. And next to my ears too... What can I do about this and have any of you experienced this horrible itching?
Here's a list of product I'm using on my face, twice a day

Neutrogena oil free acne wash
Toner from proactive
Cetaphil moisturizer

Apr 30, 2014

M G.

Has your diet or anything chnged.

Apr 30, 2014

Traci L.

Is anything new that you just started using?you can make a oatmeal mask out of old fashioned oats and water and that will calm down the iching but it seems like something is irritating you, new medications,food allergies or tropical products can all cause a itching feeling if it doesn't agree with your skin or system so try and think what was new in your lifestyle in the past week.

Apr 30, 2014

duffs g.

Do you have hard water?

Apr 30, 2014

Aide N.

My diet hasn't changed, but I just recently started using the acne wash and toner. I used to just wash my face in the shower with bar soap:-/. I thought I was helping my skin. Could it be that I'm over cleaning my face? If there's such a thing...
@traci how long do I keep the oatmeal mask on?

Apr 30, 2014

Traci L.

You can leave the oatmeal mask on 20 min and the proactive toner and acne wash both have acne medicine in them an twice a day might be to much maybe use a gentle cleanser in the morning like cerave hydrating cleanser so you don't dry your skin out ,or maybe replace the toner with a gentle alcohol free toner like Neutrogena alcohol free toner

Apr 30, 2014

Aide N.

Thank you Traci, I will do that. Is the cerave cleanser good for oily skin?

Apr 30, 2014

Traci L.

Yes it is they have a foaming cleanser for oily skin ,but even the hydrating cleanser is good for oily skin because it help to balance your skin

Apr 30, 2014

Aide N.

Thank you Traci

Apr 30, 2014

Traci L.

your welcome hun

Apr 30, 2014

Nathalie C.

Sounds it could be eczema. I would remove any new products or food from your routine and if it doesn't stop, go to a dermatologist.

Apr 30, 2014

Aubrey H.

Proactive made my face itch like crazy. I couldn't use it.

Apr 30, 2014

Shaye M.

Woah girl! Go to the doctor and ask them, I had something like this happen and I questioned it for a whole month, it was a skin infection from trying a new product. Imagine scratching constantly for a month thinking it was normal lol! Is it starting to get flaky and dry aswell? Have you been wanting to itch like constantly?

May 1, 2014

Kaitlyn M.

May 1, 2014

Kat Y.

It might be eczema! I get itchy red patches on my temples and neck sometimes, usually due to stress, warm weather or my diet. If it doesn't clear up, try seeing a dermatologist. I was prescribed a desoximetasone cream that I use on my face and body whenever I have a flare up. It usually clears it in a day or two at most. If I have a particularly bad breakout, they will sometimes prescribe me something stronger to use temporarily (or it can damage the skin), but I haven't had any rashes that bad in the past couple years.