Cuts in my mouth?


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Apr 14, 2014

Pia Q.

I don't know if they have this over there but this will help the cuts heal faster.

Apr 14, 2014

Moni K.

I agree salt water helps a lot. Apple pectin helps too, it's fiber from the fruit. It has the consistency of gelatin. You apply it to the cuts and it helps protect and heal it. If wax isn't working for you, you could try putting cotton balls/rods in your mouth Lol.

Apr 14, 2014

Taylor G.

Oh really? Hm maybe you will have to try a different kind.
I always have the cuts problem too though. My mouth is still rough on the inside where I'm guessing it scarred.

Apr 14, 2014

Sarah O.

I did try wax that the ortho gave me but it just stings and burns my lip. :/

Apr 14, 2014

Taylor G.

Always use wax! I know it's annoying but it does help. Your orthodontist should have given you some.
As for the cuts you already have, I agree with the swishing salt water. And don't keep poking at them with your tongue lol, I always did that.

Apr 14, 2014

Sarah O.

We have 1 store ONLY with 5 aisles.. They don't carry anything for braces. But I'll check if they have that ointment tomorrow. They're closed on Sundays..

Apr 14, 2014

Kirin S.

I would definitely try out the Lucas' Pawpaw Ointment on your lips. This product is designed to soothe and heal cuts, burns and scratches on skin but especially on the lips. Works effectively, heals cuts fast.

Apr 14, 2014

Sarah O.

Closest doctor is 200 miles in a bigger village.

Apr 14, 2014

Sarah O.

So the inside of my lip got a couple cuts from my brackets. Any way I can make then heal faster?? I find it hard to eat and drink. Also, all we have is a clinic and they have to call a doctor for meds. And that can take a while. Any suggestions?