I wanted to like it...Glamglow.


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Apr 17, 2014

Natalie T.

I did the same thing-splurged on Glam Glow during the 15% off. I feel like it did nothing for my skin! It was messy and I feel like a lot of product was required for even application. I am going to give it one more try and if I still dislike it, its going back to the store.

Apr 16, 2014

Kenzie L.

@Kathryn that's pretty much exactly the same experience I had. I gave it a shot for about 2 weeks before I finally decided it wasn't a good buy for me.

Apr 16, 2014

Kat Y.

I got a small sample, which worked very well at first so I purchased the full size. I found that I get better results when I use it 2 nights in a row. I can barely see a difference after using it once but by the second night I am astonished by how much it clears the blackheads around my nose. However, this doesn't last very long and my pores are clogged again by the next day. I think it's a decent mask but definitely not worth the price.

Apr 15, 2014

Mallory L.

I agree. When I purchased mine, it came with a free smaller Youthmud Tinglexfoliate mask as well. I definitely noticed a difference in my skin but not $70 worth of differences.

Apr 15, 2014

Kenzie L.

I got the supermud mask, the one that's supposed to extract everything. its not that it didn't work at all, I just don't think its worth the $70 price tag. I feel like the masks I was using before in combination with pore strips does the same thing.

Apr 15, 2014

Janae H.

Which one did you get?

Apr 15, 2014

Janae H.

Really?! That's sucks:( I got a sample from sephora and absolutely loved it.

Apr 15, 2014

Jocelyn S.

You are not the only one. My pores were still clogged after using that mask. But my face was very soft! But not worth it to me.

Apr 15, 2014

Kenzie L.

During Sephoras 15% off sale I purchased the Glamglow supermud mask. after all the amazing reviews and research I read I finally decided it was justifiable to spend that much on a skincare product.

I was so excited that I tried it that night. it did exacty what all the pictures showed it would do. my nose looked disgusting! I could see every little blackhead on my nose, I couldn't wait to wipe it off and see my glamorous nose...not so much. I felt like the mask more or less just showed me my grossness rather than actually getting rid of it.

I thought to myself "maybe it takes a couple treatments?" 2 weeks later I was still not getting what I feel were $70 results. I feel like it worked just as well as treatments that have cost me as little as $6. off to sephora I went to exchange the not so glamorous mask.