Tell me about your Accutane experience!


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Apr 15, 2014

Katrín V.

I've heard horror stories about using eyedrops too much! Idk ask your doctor because I heard they dry up your eyes so you need them more. Idk if its true though but I'd be quite scared of using drops too much! Also I'm so excited for you, hope your skin turns out great.

Apr 14, 2014

Leamsy R.

I've read all the horror stories before taking mines too and it was not a good idea 😩 it scared the crap outta me! Felt like I was going to die taking it. My acne wasn't too bad but bad enough to where they allowed my to take accutane I guess. If I remember correctly I did 2& a half rounds. I stopped taking it because I was tired of it tbh. I mainly just had dry lips. I have a bad habit of peeling my lips when they're chapped which made them 10x worst. Aquaphor is the only thing that helped. Even after you've stopped you still have to be just as careful cause it's still in your system. My derm. Had given me cerve products and I'm not sure if it was the sensitivity or the me but never again... 😩 I reacted badly to it. I know I wore makeup while one it but I don't remember what. I'm trying not to be repetitive one all your post about this but it's hard lol

Apr 14, 2014

Bekah S.

My cornea is actually still torn! It doesn't hurt or anything I just haven't gotten around to going to the eye doctor because of insurance things. I have no real problems with it except that it'll hurt real bad sometimes. Still worries me a bit though!! Good luck :)

Apr 14, 2014

Melissa L.

I have a friend who had really bad acne and she went on Accutane for a while and her skin looks great now! Wishing you the best of luck!

Apr 14, 2014

Bekah S.

Also my treatment was 6 months!

Apr 14, 2014

Bekah S.

Oh hello! Man I was so excited for it. It sounds like you're starting yours around the same time I did! My skin was bad, it wasn't yet cystic (like my mothers and sisters) but it was BIG and red but most of all EVERYWHERE. I hated it so much. I tried everything and them my derma signed me up for accutane. My oddly enough favorite part was the blood and pregnancy tests lol. I was 14 at the time and my mom walks into the doctors office and says "SHES HERE FOR HER PREGNANCY TEST" I was like oh my god mom!! It's once a month. The pills aren't too bad. I liked it because it gave me routine. I changed my last month to a stronger version of accutane with a lipid coating called absorbica. I took vitamin E with it which you should totally do because you get SO dry. Also eye drops please use eye drops!! I tore my cornea :( and nasal spray. I would get terrible nosebleeds 7 times a day. I didn't get that bad of sunburns. I also remember that it gets worse before it gets better but it's flushing everything out. I have no scarring and no acne and I could not be happier with my skin. I'm so excited for you! It's a hell but it's so worth it and it's all about how you manage and take care of your skin. You're really good with skin though! Use a THICK moisturizer! Anything in a jar. Also use dr. Dans cortibalm (needs a doctors note) it's the only Chapstick that will 100% save your lips. And don't do any facials, exfoliation treatments. Once I rubbed my face a lil too hard and had a PURPLE scar for like 2 weeks:( just be very careful with it! It's so worth it and so much fun. Listen to your dermatologist! Good luck :)

Apr 14, 2014

Kitty K.

I would try's forums, Jacqlyn. I have seen plenty of discussion there :)