Garnier Moisture Match Skin Reaction :(


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May 3, 2014

Alice A.

Last night I tried the garnier moisture match for combination to oily skin out felt fine when I went to sleep but woke this morning to have large red dry patches of skin like sun burn all around my face and neck, I don't really ever have sensitive skin has anyone else experienced this when using this cream?

May 3, 2014

Gretel T.

^agree. This is not very good moisturizer. I found out that there is some bad ingredients that could make allergy.

May 3, 2014

Natalie R.

I have tried this, I used it under my makeup (more as a primer) and it was ok. It was a bit to heavy for my taste so I never actually slept in it. For my oily skin I prefer gel moisturizers because it sinks in fast and feels really light, I think you should avoid Garnier's moisturizers until you know what exact ingredient you're allergic to.

May 3, 2014

Alice A.

Never again :p the skins now peeling off thanks for the advice on benadryl sent my boyfriend to get me some :)

May 3, 2014

Alice A.

Thanks I was extremely startled this morning looking in the mirror hopefully does anyone have any tips tp sooth the burning itching feeling it now has?

May 3, 2014

Alice A.

Thanks my skins already feels better :)