Chopping it all off.


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Apr 20, 2014

Natalie Y.

I would get it cut to where the split ends are gone but you are still happy with your hair. Ask your hairdresser on how much she thinks you should get cut off.

Apr 19, 2014

Alexandria C.

I reccomend getting your hair cut the way you want and using a cream to put on your ends like after you shower. I personally have extremely dry frizzy hair with the worst split ends and I use products with keratin. I trim a little bit off the end of my hair every few weeks. keratin has really helped my split ends.

Apr 19, 2014

Lyddie H.

I would start out by only chopping off a little bit, like 2-3 inches. You can always chop off more if you think you need to, but this way you won't chop a bunch off at once and end up hating it.

Apr 19, 2014

Ashley D.

I have a split ends and need a trim soon and everyone is telling me I should get 5 inches off. But the. My hair would go to my shoulders, and I hate short hair. And from what I can see I only need about 2 to 3 inches off, what should I do? Btw I've had short hair and I hated it.