Small Lips+ Lip Piercing?


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Apr 25, 2014

Lou C.

So, I would love to get a vertical labret piercing but I have quite small lips. What do you think, do lip piercings (especially vertical labret) only look good on big and puffy lips? Please be honest!

For those who don't know: this is a vertical labret (not my picture!)

Apr 25, 2014

Cat C.

I think it'll suit you :)

Apr 25, 2014

Symone B.

I could actually see you with it.

Apr 25, 2014

Lou C.

Thank you for your opinions :)!
@Alexis: I'm aware of the fact that getting a piercing carries a risk but I think that's something you can't change :) Thank you!!

Apr 25, 2014

Breanna C.

I Think It Would Look Perfect On You 💙👌

Apr 25, 2014

Annely B.

Like it I think it will suit you :)

Apr 25, 2014

Emily S.

Yes I think you should go for it , it would defiantly suit you x

Apr 25, 2014

Lou C.

@Alexis: I know that, sorry if I sounded rude :( my english is not that good..

Apr 25, 2014

Ceelo D.

I'd look great but if you like lipstick don't get if I used to have it but ugh yeah.