Are You Am Accommodating Makeup Artist?


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Dec 6, 2012

Nadine S.

Do you often accommodating to clients and when are you not ?

Dec 6, 2012

Nadine S.

Sorry I meant are you accommodating towards clients ? It's the iPod  

Dec 6, 2012

Dawn R.

I try to be as accommodating as I can with clients. But if something simply won't look good I am honest with them. 

Dec 6, 2012

Tanya C.

I'm with dawn ^^^

Dec 6, 2012

Patricia E.

As the artist in the situation I try my absolute hardest to take what they like, what they are comfortable with and making it look flawless. I used to hate getting my make up done (before I learned it myself) and once I was done and looked at it, felt like a different person and wanted to change certain things for it to be more "me". So now a days I tell my clients that I'm doing for events or weddings and such "we still want you to look like you. Just a much more glamed up you!" 

Dec 6, 2012

Patricia E.

I love the feedback, in the end I want them to like it. I start with the general things but I like them to tell me what they'd like more or less of. That way I know they like how they look. It's my job to make it look good either way, so it's nice to take a bit of their own style and make it even better. 

This question is very broad. Lol

As far as makeup looks I work with them to achieve their looks.

If its business, I stand firm on my policies.